
n. 帽子;盖


Let me tell you the amazing story of Cap... [Barbossa] All men up the ratlines.>>完整场景
INT. BOAT DOCK - SUNSET Neri stands by the dock area under the boathouse. He pushes the button which lowers a boat by winch and tackle. He wears a fishing cap.>>完整场景
Can l have your cap?>>完整场景
lf l have to think, Fasuline, l'll need my thinking cap.>>完整场景
Everyone is gone already, their beds made up. Drew gets up quickly and gathers up his few things. He puts on his New York Yankees cap and shoulders his back pack, then looks around the room one last time.>>完整场景
They are dressed in "street" clothes and are just pulling on their hats. Drew, instead of wearing his temple-issue hat, pulls on a New York Yankees baseball cap!>>完整场景
This cap might look nice on my dog.>>完整场景
That night he wondered if he ought to leave. He could not stay around Clara without nursing hopes, and yet he could detect no sign that she cared about him. Sometimes he thought she did, but when he thought it over he always concluded that he had just been imagining things. Her remarks to him generally had a stinging quality, but he would often not realize he had been stung until after she left the scene. Working together in the lots, which they did whenever the weather was decent, she often lectured him on his behavior with the horses. She didn’t feel he paid close attention to them. July was at a loss to know how anyone could pay close attention to a horse when she was around, and yet the more his eyes turned to her the worse he did with the horses and the more disgusted she grew. His eyes would turn to her, though. She had taken to wearing her husband’s old coat and overshoes, both much too big for her. She wouldn’t wear gloves—she claimed the horses didn’t like it—and her large bony hands often got so cold she would have to stick them under the coat for a few minutes to warm them. She wore a variety of caps that she had ordered from somewhere—apparently she liked caps as much as she liked cake. None of them were particularly suited to a Nebraska winter. Her favorite one was an old Army cap Cholo had picked up on the plains somewhere. Sometimes Clara would tie a wool scarf over it to keep her ears warm, but usually the scarf came untied in the course of working with the horses, so that when they walked back up for a meal her hair was usually spilling over the collar of the big coat. Yet July couldn’t stop his eyes from feasting on her. He thought she was wonderfully beautiful, so beautiful that merely to walk with her from the lots to the house, when she was in a good mood, was enough to make him give up for another month all thought of leaving. He told himself that just being able to work with her was enough. And yet, it wasn’t—which is why the question finally forced itself out. He was miserable all night, for she hadn’t answered the question. But he had spoken the words and revealed what he wanted. He supposed she would think worse of him than she already did, once she thought it over.>>完整场景
But Augustus wasn’t in south Texas anymore, and as he rode through the empty country he had plenty of time to consider that maybe the talk hadn’t been all that accurate—talk often wasn’t. The bands were doomed, but they might last another year or two, whereas he was advancing into their country in the here and now. He wasn’t afraid for himself, but he was afraid for Lorena. Blue Duck might be dealing with some renegade chief with a taste for white women. Lorena would put a nice cap on a career largely devoted to stealing children.>>完整场景
“He found that cap in the fifties, to the best of my recollection,” Augustus said. “You know Deets is like me—he’s not one to quit on a garment just because it’s got a little age. We can’t all be fine dressers like you, Jake.” Jake turned his coffee eyes on Augustus and broke out another slow grin. “What’d it take to get you to whip up another batch of them biscuits?” he said. “I’ve come all the way from Arkansas without tasting a good bite of bread.” “From the looks of that pony it’s been fast traveling,” Call said, which was as close to prying as he intended to get. He had run with Jake Spoon off and on for twenty years, and liked him well; but the man had always worried him a little, underneath. There was no more likable man in the west, and no better rider, either; but riding wasn’t everything, and neither was likableness. Something in Jake didn’t quite stick. Something wasn’t quite consistent. He could be the coolest man in the company in one fight, and in the next be practically worthless.>>完整场景
“Didn’t he have that cap when I left?” Jake asked. He took his own hat off and slapped the dust off his pants leg with it.>>完整场景
“I swear, Jake,” Augustus said, looking at the bay horse, “you’ve rode that horse right down to the bone.” “Give him a good feed, Deets,” Call said. “I judge it’s been a while since he’s had one.” Deets led the horses off toward the roofless barn. It was true that he made his pants out of old quilts, for reasons that no one could get him to explain. Colorful as they were, quilts weren’t the best material for riding through mesquite and chaparral. Thorns had snagged the pants in several places, and cotton ticking was sticking out. For headgear Deets wore an old cavalry cap he had found somewhere—it was in nearly as bad shape as Lippy’s bowler.>>完整场景
“Nobody would be loony enough to hire you to cook, Woodrow,” Augustus said. “The cap is supposed to keep the cook’s old greasy hairs from falling into the food. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of Bol’s hairs have found their way into this sow bosom.” Newt looked at Bolivar, sitting over by the stove in his dirty serape. Bolivar’s hair looked like it had had a can of secondhand lard poured over it. Once every few months Bol would change clothes and go visit his wife, but his efforts at improving his appearance never went much higher than his mustache, which he occasionally tried to wax with grease of some kind.>>完整场景
And all the cookies, I hold in my cap, I had just settled down to take a big-- ( farting uncontrollably ) It's just-- it's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas!>>完整场景
127 INT. STRATTON OAKMONT III - JORDAN’S OFFICE - DAY (FEB ‘95) 127 Jordan finishes a phone call as Donnie enters with STEVEMADDEN, 30s, dressed in wrinkled navy blazer, cargo pantsand T-shirt, a baseball cap over his scraggly, thinninghair. Jordan smiles, crosses to greet him.>>完整场景
Used to be, all a King had to do was look reasonable in uniform and not fall off his horse. Now we must creep cap in hand into people's homes that smell of boiled cabbage, and speak nicely to them. We're reduced to that lowest, basest of all creatures...we've become...actors! Don't give me a look of defeated pathos. This is a family crisis!>>完整场景
Scrambling in back, Will finds a liter of Arrowhead. Hands it off. Edward unscrews the cap, but instead of drinking it, he douses himself. Soaks the blanket.>>完整场景
Sandra SNAPS the cap back on the syrup.>>完整场景
He watches as Sandra puts the cap back on the syrup.>>完整场景
95 EXT. HIGHWAY/GAS STATION - CENTRAL ILLINOIS - 1996 - AFTERNOON: 95 In nasty weather, Lipsky fills the tank, leaving the cap onthe roof. David runs around to the other side of the car to take over driving duty from Lipsky. They drive away.>>完整场景
Everybody who comes here, the first thing they want to see is “where did Mary Tyler Moore throw her cap in the air?” One of our biggest attractions.>>完整场景
545. The incapable man in cap went into the hospitable capital hospital.>>完整场景
Would have liked it even more if we were heading towards it, but... It's probably better if you take off the lens cap.>>完整场景
INT. COCKPIT - CO-PILOT'S SEAT - NIGHT SOUND of rushing air as instantly inflatable balloon pilot takes shape in seat with hands on wheel. His uniform and cap are painted on, and he has an alert "leave the driving to us" expression on his face. The plane immediately regains level flight, and Elaine and Rumack sigh in relief.>>完整场景
The MAN next to her is wearing a surgical cap with mask.>>完整场景