
adv. 再一次;又,此外


It's mark baum again. Call me!>>完整场景
This is like the dark ages all-over again!>>完整场景
The principle source of the slowdown of economic growth time, and time, and time again have I bought them back from you Marcus we've know each-other for seventeen years she's got some lungs on her I'm impressed!>>完整场景
Hold on, say that again!>>完整场景
What I don't understand we can't re-recheck and then check again!>>完整场景
Say that again!>>完整场景
The therapist called... You did it again!>>完整场景
Tell em I'll be there in a minute say again!>>完整场景
Not me, I'm not a weirdo, I'm pretty f***ing cool, but we'll meet again later!>>完整场景
Don't ever again give that kind of order.>>完整场景
ls it all happening again?>>完整场景
Nice to see you again, Mr Corleone.>>完整场景
They want to share your deal on lmmobiliare, to be a family again.>>完整场景
For the first time since I've known you, you seem so helpless. You held me a prisoner once; will you try again?>>完整场景
Mr. Pentangeli, you are contradicting your confessions to our investigators; I ask you again, were you a member of a crime organization headed by Michael Corleone?>>完整场景
Michael had checked this point with Hagen, before answering, and then once again after the answer.>>完整场景
Here is the six month's increase in advance. You needn't speak to her about it, she's a proud woman. See me again in another six months.>>完整场景
Sometimes the joyous Cubans will let a family through, but again, taking away the suitcases, rich leather, filled with money and valuables. Money seems to be stuffed everywhere.>>完整场景
He kisses his brother once again.>>完整场景
Roth looks patiently at Michael, as though he were a child who hadn't minded the lesson that he had been taught over and over again.>>完整场景
The courier is shown out through a private door, and then the first door is opened. Two accountants come in with the guards, and the trays are opened, and the counting process is begun all over again, this time with the State Tally sheets.>>完整场景
Michael kisses him again.>>完整场景
He smashes it again, and the pistol breaks into barrel and handle, two separate pieces.>>完整场景
A Policeman stands at the exterior door, waiting. He rings the buzzer again.>>完整场景
Five oily guns. He immediately wraps them again, and carries them to a private closet, and hides it, and returns to his wife. He sits down back at the table; and she knows not to ask him what has happened.>>完整场景