
n. 评价;估价;评估;求值


MAN 3:
Take a look at the evaluation, I 'm really doubtful--
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The theories that all simple systems have complex behavior, that animals in a zoo environment will eventually begin to behave in an unpredictable fashion have nothing to do with that evaluation. This is not some existential furlough, this is an on-site inspection. You are a doctor. Do your job. You are invalidating your own assessment. I'm sorry, John - -
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It's an evaluation tool we use to separate applicants.
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The court will take a close interest in her psychological profile. We are asking the judge to order acomplete evaluation by a panel ofpsychiatrists.
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Sgt. Newcastle:

Much improved. All right Soap, you passed the weapons evaluation. Now report to Mac on the obstacle course. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see you. Soap walks away from Newcastle and towards the obstacle course, where Mac stands on the large wooden platform, and three SAS troopers await the initiation.
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