
adj. 通常的,惯例的;平常的


Good evening. Give the Marshal his usual, and pour one for me, too.
>> Postino Il Movie Script
These protesters... are not drunkards... nor the usual hotheads who protestjust for the fun of it.
>> Postino Il Movie Script
108 INT. FIRST CLASS SMOKING ROOM - NIGHT Lovejoy enters from the Palm Court through the revolving door and crosses the room toward Hockley. A fire is blazing in the marble fireplace, and the usual fatcats are playing cards, drinking and talking. Cal sees Lovejoy and detaches from his group, coming to him.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
Brock glances at Bodine... oh oh. Bodine rolls his eyes. Rose finishes arranging her photographs. We get a general glimpse of them: the usual snapshots... children and grandchildren, her late husband.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
Along with the usual sheaf of applicants submitted by Baird, of which virtually, oh, two-thirds are guaranteed admittance, I add one name, somebody who's a standout and yet, underprivileged; a student who cannot afford to pay the board and tuition in Cambridge.
>> 闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script
-As usual.
>> 不一样的本能 Phenomenon (1996)Movie Script
I'll pay you the usual rate.
>> Spider-Man 3 蜘蛛侠 3 Movie Script
I've been doing the usual things in port this time, going swimming, sunbathing, and sightseeing around the island.
>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script
Paul Bowles:
Whenever he was en route from one place to another, he was able to look at his life with a little more objectivity than usual. It was often on trips that he thought most clearly, and made the decisions that he could not reach when he was stationary.
>> 生活是一段旅程,而不是目的地
-All the usual boiled meats with... Patrizio.
>> 1900 Movie Script
Of course not, I just enjoy after them Well, gentlemen at your disposal Do not shoot him I think we are misled I want to take off these cuffs We have to wait until we reach open water It suits you perfectly, sir It seems you have a wonderful Do you think it is a little broad? - No, he is of the utmost magnificence - Fourteen red, I bet it Wager, sir Forty-two red I have returned - Call them inside - I could come back tomorrow? - No, wait - ! We have tried in various ways, sir But escaped us - This is what I expected to hear - To escape the young man who robbed me of $ 2.3 billion I learn that I had worked so hard In order to stop dirty operations, which I was the No more chasing the treacherous ...No more killing But now I rely on people Do these things rather than me ! Fix things, but they did not Do you have shown good? - For - As usual - As usual, why? - Wonderful as usual Yes, I have shown good Then so be open lock Where Talmty do this?
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
In the early spring, while the weather was still chancy, fifteen horses disappeared one night. It was only by luck that the theft was discovered, for in such a place at such a time horsethieves were the last thing they were expecting. Call had taken the precaution of going with Old Hugh to two or three of the nearest Indian camps to meet the chiefs and do the usual diplomacy, in the hope of preventing the sort of surprise encounter that had proven deadly for Gus. The visits made him sad, for the Indians were not belligerent and it was apparent that Gus had merely struck the wrong bunch at the wrong time, in the wrong manner. It was a depressing irony, for Gus had always been one to preach diplomacy with the red man and over the years had engaged in many councils that Call himself thought pointless. Gus had talked to many a warrior that Call would merely have shot, and yet had got killed in a place where most of the Indians were happy to talk, particularly to a man who owned an endless supply of beef.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Did you just want to run ’em off, or what?” Pea asked. As usual, Gus’s behavior was a complete puzzle.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Newt, with the Rainey boys, was holding the drags, as usual. The wind howled across the flat plain, and the sand seemed to sing as it skimmed the ground. Newt found that looking into the wind blinded him almost instantly. He mostly ducked his head and kept his eyes shut. The horses didn’t like the sand either. They began to duck and jump around, irritated at being forced into such a wind.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Clara just smiled, her old beguiling smile. “I’m honest,” she said. “To most men, that’s sassy.” “Well, it might interest you to know that Lorie started this trip with your old friend Jake Spoon,” Augustus said. “He was his usual careless self and let her get kidnapped by a real rough man.”“Oh, so you rescued her?” Clara said. “No wonder she worships you. What happened to Jake?” “He met a bad end,” Augustus said. “We hung him. He was with a gang of murderers.” Clara didn’t flinch at the news. She heard the girls coming back down the stairs. Lorena was carrying the baby. Clara stood up so Lorena could sit. The baby’s eyes followed her.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He was horrified, sure that what he had done was a dreadful breach of decorum, far worse than not being able to get his boots off quickly. Of course he had seen boys jerk at themselves, and he had done it plenty, but having a woman use soap and warm water on it brought matters to a head much quicker than was usual.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Late in the afternoon Dan Suggs got up and took a piss by the spring. Then he lay down on his belly and had a long drink of water. When he got up, he mounted his horse and rode off, without a word to anyone. His brothers quickly mounted and followed him, and Jake had no choice but to do the same. Frog Lip, as usual, brought up the rear.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The storm that struck them half a day from the Canadian was of a different intensity because of the lightning. By midafternoon, Newt, who was as usual with the drags, became conscious of rumblings and flashing far on the west. He saw Deets conferring with the Captain, though it was hard to imagine what advice might help. They were out in the middle of the plain, far from any shelter.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The storm that struck them half a day from the Canadian was of a different intensity because of the lightning. By midafternoon, Newt, who was as usual with the drags, became conscious of rumblings and flashing far on the west. He saw Deets conferring with the Captain, though it was hard to imagine what advice might help. They were out in the middle of the plain, far from any shelter.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“We won’t hear it much,” Roscoe said. “That campfire was way off. Anyway, maybe it’s just cowboys and there won’t be no fight.” “But we saw Indians,” Joe said. “I bet it’s them.” “It might be them,” Roscoe admitted. “But maybe they just kept running.” “I hope they didn’t run this direction,” Joe said. He hated to admit how scared he was, but he was a good deal more scared than he could remember being before in his life. Usually when they camped he was so glad to be stopped he just unrolled his blanket and went to sleep, but though he unrolled his blanket as usual, he didn’t go to sleep. It was the first time he had been separated from July on the whole trip, and he was surprised at how much scarier it felt. They had been forbidden to build a fire, so all they could do was sit in the dark. Of course it wasn’t cold, but a fire would have made things more cheerful.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He considered offering to let her ride double, but before he could mention it she ran on ahead. Not only could she walk faster than a possum could run, she could run faster than Memphis could walk. He had to put the horse into a trot to keep up with her. By the time they got to the creek, Roscoe felt lightheaded from the combination of hunger and wasp stings. His vision was swimming again, as it had when he was drunk. A wasp had got him close to one eye; soon the eye swelled shut. His head felt larger than it usually did. It was a very inconvenient life, and, as usual when traveling got bad, he felt resentful of July for having married a woman who would run off.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I don’t know where I got such a fancy for you,” he said. “You are a sight to see.” He stretched out beside her and pulled her back. It was odd to look up beyond his head and see the white sky above them instead of the cracked boards in the ceiling above her head in the Dry Bean. More than usual, it made her feel not there—far from Jake and what he was doing. Crowded up in a room, it was difficult for her to keep herself—on the grass, with the sky far above, it was easy.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, I guess we’ll see you when we see you, Roscoe,” July said. Then he turned his horse away from the river and the glowing sky, and he and little Joe were soon out of town.SIX DAYS LATER responsibility descended upon Roscoe Brown with a weight far beyond anything he had ever felt. As usual, it fell out of a clear blue sky—as fine a day as one could want, with the Arkansas River sparkling down at the end of the street. Roscoe, having no pressing duties, was sitting in front of the jail whittling, when he noticed Peach Johnson coming up the street with little Charlie Barnes at her side. Charlie was a banker, and the only man in town to wear a necktie every day. He was also the main deacon in the church, and, by common consent the man most likely to marry Peach if she ever remarried. Charlie was a widower, and richer by far than Benny had ever been. Nobody liked him, not even Peach, but she was too practical a woman to let that stop her if she took a notion to marry.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Peach was picking her way across the main street of Fort Smith, which was less of a quagmire than usual, since it had been dry lately. She was carrying a red rooster for some reason. She was the largest woman in. town, nearly six feet tall, whereas Ben had been the runt of the Johnson family. Also, Peach talked a blue streak and Ben had seldom uttered three words a week, although he had been the mayor of the town. Now Peach still talked a blue streak and Ben was dead.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Though he had laughed about the cow in the house, Deets had not been his usual cheerful self for the last few days. He felt a change coming. They were leaving Lonesome Dove, where life had been quiet and steady, and Deets could not understand the reason for it. The Captain was not prone to rash moves—and yet it seemed rash to Deets to just pick up and go north. Usually when he thought about the Captain’s decisions he agreed with him, but this time he couldn’t. He was going, but he felt uneasy in his mind. He remembered one thing the Captain had drilled into them many times during the rangering years: that a good start made for a good campaign.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇