
vt. 使成对


VIEW ON THE HARBOR AREA Francesca and her twin, Gardner and their elite young friends roar out of the private harbor, to get up on the water skis. We notice ROCCO LAMPONE, move along a path leading to a separate and more private boathouse. A small covered craft approaches, ties off, and a group of three men step on to the pathway, shake hands with Lampone - and follow him to the large boathouse where Michael conducts his business.>>完整场景
EXT. TAHOE SWIMMING POOLS AND HARBOR - DAY Francesca and Gardner are greeted by her twin sister and their young friends, who squeal and embrace at the good news.>>完整场景
Sitting beside Will, Josephine spots a stunning ASIAN WOMAN (50) behind them. A beat later, an identical face withglasses peers out -- the woman’s twin sister.>>完整场景
Her identical twin is JING, who’s been singing harmony allthis time. They are two separate women who join at thewaist, one set of perfect legs beneath them.>>完整场景
Pulse detonation engine with twin hybrid scramjet turbos.>>完整场景
How does that feel? People fighting to get in, big line of people who want to impress you... We find David and Lipsky in twin beds, facing each other, talking like college roommates pulling an all-nighter.>>完整场景
David and David. That’s easy. It’s the Twin Cities, so...>>完整场景
FLASHBACK TO: 10 EXT. DOWNTOWN SKYLINE - NYC - 1996 - NIGHT 10 The heart-stopping view of the illuminated twin towers tells us we are in pre-2001 New York.>>完整场景
277. Twice the twin king wins the winter swinging under the wing of the plane.>>完整场景
406 EXT. EMBASSY - COURTYARD 406 The fire escape leads down to a second-story balconyrunning around the inside wall of the courtyard. Twin staircases lead from the balcony to ground level, where, across the slate-paved car court, a wrought-iron gateopens onto the street.>>完整场景
ARMSTRONG: OFF Armstrong, as Gordy walks away... 124 EXT. JUNGLE - DAY 124 Two Colombian armed man wearing guerrilla uniformsbearing a distinctive ELC patch are walking a trail, whenthe man in front notices something odd. He stops. Leads the other man back a few steps. Looks into the foliagealong the trail. Something doesn't seem right. He extends his AK-47. Prods a hump of greenery with therifle butt, and in a flash... The greenery suddenly transforms into two men wearingface-paint and full-body military camouflage gear andpointing twin cocked-and-locked CAR-15 assault rifles atthe heads of the startled guerrillas.>>完整场景
The other twin, Bambi, leans down for a passionate kiss.>>完整场景
My twin. Which has kept him alive.>>完整场景
Phillippe's legs slip out of Athos' grasp, and the boat flashes downriver... Aramis, Porthos and Athos have escaped... but Phillippe is captured, looking into the hate-filled eyes of his twin brother Louis.>>完整场景
Then Phillippe's eyes go strangely still; he sees, for the first time in his life, his twin brother, the King.>>完整场景
Because the old king had a twin as well, and through his whole reign his brother fought him for the throne. Then he had two heirs, not just sons but twins. So he decided that one be put away, as if he never existed. You, Phillippe.>>完整场景
Billy the twin?>>完整场景
But the gliders will be bringing in a reconnaissance squadron of jeeps... specially fitted with twin Vickers machine guns.>>完整场景
INT. BEVERLY HILLS HOTEL ROOM -- NIGHT Gail and Chace sit on the twin beds on either side of the phone, waiting for it to ring.>>完整场景