n. 系统;制度,体制;方法
- we are in with production authentication for the entire system. all right one last thing, let me show how to turn this web application into a PWA as well.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- If we hop to the session, you can see it just is very basic Rails active record. Now we're gonna set up a default user that the systems should have as we're working with it to allow us to log in since we don't have that signup flow.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Common system is of course these as well, let's add one of those comments, and now we have the entire application running in production, wasn't that easy?>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- 16:03:
- Now, we're also gonna add a number of partials here. This is the templating system, basically, a sub-routine that you can refer to. There's gonna be three of them that includes the entire comment section. We're gonna reference that in our post show in just a second. And within that, we're gonna refer to another partial for an individual comment, and another partial again for the new setup. So, let's paste some of that in here, You can see this for the entire collection, it just has an H2 for the comments, and we render the post comments. This again uses Rails' convention over the configuration approach.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Alright! Now let's add some comments to our blogging system! And I'm gonna use a different generator here,I'm gonna use a resource generator that is a little lighter than the one we were using for scaffold that doesn't generate a bunch of views, and doesn't generate all sorts of actions in the controller by default, but it does generate the new model that we need the comment model, it generates a migration for that, create comments ,and it generates just some empty placeholders for the comments controller and for the view action.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- So, we can do that using the import map pin command. And as you see, now that I hop back into our config import map, we've added the local text pin at the bottom, version 3.0.2. It pulled that straight off NPN, it downloaded that as a vendor dependency that we can check into our version control system. And now, we don't have any runtime dependency whatsoever on NPN, or anything else like that.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- And then finally, we have the views that are being generated. If we hop in here and have a look at the index view, you can see this is where we will list all the posts that are in the system.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- 1. Rails 8 + User System From Multiple Platforms + Offering multiple payment options + Multiple devices .>> What you want to do ?
- Many of you probably had this as undergraduates in real analysis. It won't hurt to brush up. I am also putting an advanced fourier system on the main hallway chalkboard-- Everyone groans.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- attendant:
- attendant a cloakroom attendant; a parking attendant; a museum attendant; a flight attendant; The two ambulance attendants;a car-park attendant;one of the queen's attendants.
an attendant nurse;gas station attendants;When this resource is online, the system attendant service is started. One of the attendants during the war was lack of food.服务员衣帽间服务员;停车服务员;博物馆服务员;空乘人员;两名救护车服务员;停车场服务员;女王的侍从之一。一名助理护士;加油站服务员;当此资源联机时,系统助理服务将启动。战争期间的一个服务员缺乏食物。>> 79-By Air- Boost the immune system. immense
增强免疫系统。>> questions- how should I interpret the rating system?
我应该如何解释评级系统?>> questions- By the end of this course, you'll have a solid understanding of how tokenization is done and how to optimize vector search in your RAG systems.
在本课程结束时,您将对如何进行标记化以及如何在RAG系统中优化向量搜索有一个扎实的了解。>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife- 14. Zinc lozenges, If your immune system is weakened, canker sores may thrive. Zinc is a mineral that supports your immune function. Zinc lozenges may help your immune system fight off bacteria that cause canker sores. It may also speed up healing time.
14.锌含片,如果你的免疫系统减弱,口腔溃疡可能会加重。锌是一种支持免疫功能的矿物质。锌含片可以帮助你的免疫系统对抗引起口腔溃疡的细菌。它还可以加快愈合时间。>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores- Projects:
- Open Source Contribution to P1. Feature Extension for RailsIssueTracker:created an enhanced issue tracking system for Rails developers, integration a real-time notification system. Details at github.com/railsissuetracker.>> Jobs and 履历 resume or curriculum vitae (cv)
- Finally, making it easier to go to production also means we ought to make it easy to be secure. Rails has been assembling high-level abstractions for the key components of an excellent authentication system for a long time to bring that ease. We’ve had has_secure_password since Rails 5, but also recently introduced generates_token_for :password_reset along with authenticate_by in Rails 7.1. Now, with Rails 8, we’re putting all the pieces together in a complete authentication system generator, which creates an excellent starting point for a session-based, password-resettable, metadata-tracking authentication system.
最后,使生产更容易也意味着我们应该使安全更容易。长期以来,Rails一直在为一个优秀的身份验证系统的关键组件组装高级抽象,以简化这一过程。我们从Rails 5开始就有has_secure_password,但最近在Rails 7.1中引入了generates_token_for:password_reset和authenticate_by。现在,使用Rails 8,我们将所有部分整合到一个完整的身份验证系统生成器中,该生成器为基于会话、密码可重置、元数据跟踪的身份验证体系创建了一个很好的起点。>> Rails8- But Rails 8 is not just about the better deployment story and database-backed adapters. We’re also making Propshaft the new default asset pipeline. Propshaft a is dividend from the mission to focus on #NOBUILD as the default path in Rails 7 (and offloading more complicated JavaScript setups to bun/esbuild/vite/etc). As the new asset pipeline it replaces the old Sprockets system, which hails from all the way back in 2009. A time before JavaScript transpilers and build pipelines as we know them today existed. And long, long before we could imagine browsers with stellar JavaScript implementations, import maps, and no constraints from many small files thanks to HTTP/2.
但是Rails 8不仅仅是更好的部署故事和数据库支持的适配器。我们还将Propshaft作为新的默认资产管道。Propshaft a是专注于#NOBUILD作为Rails 7默认路径的任务的红利(并将更复杂的JavaScript设置卸载到bun/esbuild/vite/etc)。作为新的资产管道,它取代了早在2009年就出现的旧Sprockets系统。在我们今天所知道的JavaScript转译器和构建管道存在之前的一段时间。很久以前,我们就可以想象浏览器具有出色的JavaScript实现、导入映射,并且由于HTTP/2而没有来自许多小文件的约束。>> Rails8- It has virtually all the features you could want from a modern job queuing system. Including robust concurrency controls, failure retries and alerting, recurring job scheduling, and so much more. In HEY, it replaced no less than 6(!) different Resque gems, as the one integrated solution.
它几乎具备现代作业排队系统所需的所有功能。包括强大的并发控制、故障重试和警报、重复作业调度等等。在HEY中,它取代了不少于6(!)种不同的Resque宝石,成为一个集成解决方案。>> Rails8- If you create a system in your learning, you don't need to find that extra time, because it will become a part of your everyday life.>> The secret of learning new language [TED]
- 2:
- The third principle to follow is to create a system in your learning.We'are all very busy and no one really has time to learn a language today. But we can create that time if we just plan a bit ahead. Can you wake up 15 minutes earlier than you normally do ?That would be the perfect time to revise some vocabulary.Can you listen to a podcast on your way to work while driving? Well,That would be great to get some listening experience.>> The secret of learning new language [TED]
- You can use apps which are based on this system such as Anki or Memrise, or you can write lists of word in a notebook using the Goldlist methods, which is also very popular with many polyglots.>> The secret of learning new language [TED]
- What kills me is that they lost the confidence in the system they are now finally qualified to be a part of.>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
- And you know what we've done in the west is we've made a very hierarchical all important system of medicine, it's often frightening for patients, it's often invasive, but you know in China, it's actually the patient that's the god not the doctor that Chinese medicine tends to empower people , it enables them to much more responsibility for their health and I think this is what is has to offer.
你知道我们在西方所做的是我们建立了一个非常等级森严的重要医学体系,这对患者来说往往很可怕,而且往往是侵入性的,但你知道在中国,实际上是患者是上帝,而不是医生,中医往往赋予人们权力,使他们对自己的健康负更多的责任。我认为这就是它所能提供的。>> 中医是一门艺术- Why acupuncture here? and he said because Chinese medicine is one of the best systems in the world , one of the best medical systems and we want one of the best medical systems for Cuban people.
为什么在这里针灸?他说,因为中医是世界上最好的体系之一,最好的医疗体系之一,我们希望为古巴人民提供最好的医疗系统之一。>> 中医是一门艺术- I visited Cuba in my work. I heard that in Cuba. Chinese medicine was a part of their integrated health care system and you know , when Cuba was isolated from the rest of the world and they had no essential medicines, they had to try acupuncture, and they found it successful, things like strokes and heart attacks.
我在工作中访问了古巴。我在古巴听说了。中医是他们综合医疗保健系统的一部分,你知道,当古巴与世界其他地区隔绝,没有基本药物时,他们不得不尝试针灸,他们发现针灸很成功,比如中风和心脏病发作。>> 中医是一门艺术