
adj. 客观的;目标的;[语法学]宾格的


It's hard to be kind of objective about science when you're staring face-to-face on a uniform that's been there for 75 years on the USS Arizona.
>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script
You must visualize your objective.
>> 再生侠 Spawn Movie Script
Bombs achieve a double objective.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
210. The adjective injected new meaning into the objected objective object.
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
As much as I was scared to continue, I was not ready to give up my aim, my target, my objective, my passion, my dream, my life. It is my life.
>> Senna Movie Script
I was just... A thinker who predates Darwin and dares suggest that an objective analysis of what it is to live as a human.
>> 钝感之爱 Anesthesia Movie Script
STRIKER (v.o.) My working with them seemed to reinforce our objectives of group cooperation and controlled-competitive activity.
>> 飞机 Airplane! Movie Script
(upset, mocking his manner) Listen. Understand. I'm not a military objective, Reese. I'm a person... You don't own me.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
PAN DOWN TO MILLER'S HAND It quivers in fear. Miller glances around, sees that none of the men have noticed. He stares at his hand as if it belongs to someone else. It stops shaking. He turns his eyes back to the objective.
>> 拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan Movie Script
We've reached our objective.
>> 遥远的桥A Bridge Too Far Movie Script
And now we have all we need... units, defense plans, objectives... and the schedule for further drops.
>> 遥远的桥A Bridge Too Far Movie Script
Their objectives were clearance and clarification. This briefing has the benefit of their experience – and yes, some of you specialists are on both teams.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
If you can give an individual a given set of objectives, Measure them, and then reward them, Then almost any target can be achieved.
>> 硅之牛仔Silicon Cowboys Movie Script
Outlaw Two-Five:

In formation. Approaching objective. 30 seconds.
>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script

.كما أتحدث، إنهم يحتشدون جيوشنا، بما سنحمي استقلال شعبنا كدولة عظيمة (As I speak, our armies are nearing their objectives, by which we will restore the independence of a once great nation.) The car travels down a deserted road. At the end are some soldiers talking and smoking. At the very end there is an arena on the right. Many soldiers are lined up here. They all fire their guns into the air as they cheer. The car stops outside the arena. A soldier opens the back door, another pulls Al-Fulani out, and throws him onto the ground.
>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script