
adj. 每;各自的


For ten years we've been tested and tried and each man here has proved his mettle a hundred times over and a hundred times again!>>完整场景
I think we should tell each other where our treasures are buried..>>完整场景
He leaves one man from each vessel..>>完整场景
- In each language they were written.>>完整场景
18 pounds each they say.>>完整场景
And each pirate only ever votes for hisself.>>完整场景
Pen them up together, they'll devour each other without a second thought.>>完整场景
I believe you know each other.>>完整场景
We can resupply there and get back to shooting each other later.>>完整场景
We'll tie each other to the mast upside down, so when the boat flips we'll be the right way up.>>完整场景
- Well, each wants the chest for hisself.>>完整场景
This is no way for grown men to... Oh, fine! Let's just haul out our swords and start banging away at each other.>>完整场景
An honest sailor is what I am. I make my living fair and I sleep well each night.>>完整场景
And we've each left our mark on the other.>>完整场景
I say, let them fight each other, while we lay back, watch, have a drink... Place some wagers, eh ?>>完整场景
What if...we each choose an item of approximately equal weight.>>完整场景
He keeps each ship as a prize.>>完整场景
Captain Barbossa. Each second we tarry... The Spanish out distance us.>>完整场景
Everyone is busy, and even the wounded are looking out for each other; a man with his arms in an airplane splint holds a spoon and feeds a badly burned buddy. Evelyn and her overworked nurses are looking after the critical cases. But as she covers the windows with blackout curtains, she stops for just a moment to stare at the sun's last rays.>>完整场景
Danny and Rafe give each other a wave, and divert toward their separate targets. Each plane is on its own now.>>完整场景
EXT. SKIMMING OVER THE WAVES - DAY At first the planes are together; Rafe and Danny can see each other off each other's wing, and Doolittle's plane is ahead.>>完整场景
EXT. FLIGHT DECK - THE HORNET - DAY The preparations begin. Deck crews move the B-25's to the rear of the flight deck. Fueling teams top off the bomber's gas tanks. Ordnance men hoist four bombs into each aircraft, and the army gunners load ammunition for the machine guns.>>完整场景
Since we'll be on our own once we're in the air, I thought I had a good idea letting each crew select it's own target.>>完整场景
EXT. FLIGHT DECK OF THE HORNET - DAY The sailors who man the flight deck look at each other with bafflement as the worried pilots pace from one end of the deck to the other. They're in a line like ducks, Rafe in the lead and the others following, counting steps, each man measuring the distance. Shaking their heads, worrying.>>完整场景
ROOSEVELT'S VOICE I'm told that 80% of American families are listening to these fireside chats of ours, and I'm happy we can come together, as one great American family. I'd like each of you within the sound of my voice to find a map... The FAMILIES do, gathering around encyclopedias, school books, any reference they have, spread on kitchen tables, suburban living room rugs, or farmhouse hearths... And the B-25's, all sixteen of them, begin a journey in formation, flying at treetop level across America: Mississippi delta land, Texas plains, Arizona mesas... ROOSEVELT'S VOICE Look at the Pacific Ocean. It covers half the surface of the earth. And look at the great Atlantic. The oceans both divide and connect us to our enemies, and either they will come to us, or we will go to them... The formation of B-25's reaches San Francisco.>>完整场景