
n. 银;银器;餐具;银币;银质奖章;银灰色


He RIPS opens the WOODEN BOX revealing his father's heavy, silver SIGNET RING balled up in old newspaper.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
THEN... WE HEAR the Roaring of an Engine, and the Silver Porsche WHIZZES into FRAME.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
A striking but antiseptic-looking INSTITUTION of some sort, surrounded by the beautiful foliage of Mexico. Bill's silver Porsche drives up its driveway.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
EX CU The BRIDE'S EYE ...watching... The gates in front of Bill's Hacienda home open, and his silver Porsche hits the streets running.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
On his way to his silver Porsche, he roughhouse plays with the dogs, speaking to them in Spanish. When he gets to the sports-car, the dogs won't leave him alone, and one jumps on the Porsche. He yells at it in Spanish; BILL(SPANISH) Get the f*** off the car, Lucy, Lucy, down!
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
ONE SILVER BLADE with a smudge of CRIMSON BLOOD on its TIP.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
ONE SILVER BLADE, clean as a whistle.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
a smidgen of crimson blood is on the silver steel.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
INT. BUDD'S TRAILER(MOVING) - NIGHT Budd behind the wheel. Ernie in the passenger's seat. Car radio playing Mexican music. Budd's silver cell phone rings.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
THEN... Knocking down a swig of Jack Daniels, he removes a small silver cell phone from his pants pocket, raises the antenna, and presses one button on the panel.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
Some SPECIFIC MOMENTS While Clashing swords, The Bride whips the silver Boomerang out of its holster, and Throws it .It Twirls Through the Air Embedding itself longways in one of the boy's faces.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
As she matches skill with the army of black-suited boys, arms flailing, silver blade Clashing and Slashing, long blonde hair whipping like a whirling dervish. She's a Goddess of War Venus.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
1 double-edged SOG KNIFE w/ HOLSTER 1 MOSSBERG PUMP ACTION SHOT GUN w/ AMMO 1 SILVER STEEL BOOMERANG, w/ a double-sided razor's edge w/ HOLSTER.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
Cheese. It's a kid's place. Darren's mom smiles formally and turns to give the catering people instructions on how to lay out the food on her sterling silver trays.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
Cole-- MR. MARSCHAL What's going on there? Mr. Marschal strains to see across the room. Cole doesn't answer either of them. Instead, he continues to push the plant aside revealing AN AIR VENT. Cole gently reaches over and takes off the metal face. It slips right off. Cole's hands disappear into the darkness of the vent. They reemerge holding a STACK OF NOTEBOOKS.Malcolm becomes very still. Cole rises to his feet and carries the notebooks over to Mr. Marschal. Cole carefully places them on his lap. MR. MARSCHAL Is this for me? Mr. Marschal fingers the notebooks then reaches for his thick glasses hanging from his neck. He places them on the tip of his nose and inspects the notebooks six inches from his face. MR. MASCHAL What's this? Jill's keeping a diary. Malcolm takes an involuntary step forward. Mr. Marschal starts flipping through the notebooks. MR. MARSCHAL She's full of surprises... He gets to the last book. His hands become still as he stares at the final page of writing. MR. MARSCHAL (whispers) She hasn't written anything for some time. Beat. Mr. Marschal slowly looks up from the notebooks. Looks up to Cole. Cole just stands quietly. Mr. Marschal's eyes slowly fill with tears of realization. They gently spill down his weathered face. MR. MARSCHAL Oh no... Cole takes a deep breath. Trying hard not to cry himself. The sight of Mr. Marschal weeping shakes Cole. Cole softly lays his hand on Mr. Marschal's silver hair. Mr. Marschal reaches up and clutches his small hand. They stay like that for a while. Beat. Mr. Marschal lets go and brings the notebooks tighter to his body. Cole quietly walks to Malcolm who stands motionless. He stares down at Cole in a daze. Cole turns his head, crying.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
(whispers) You don't have to tell me your secret if you don't want to. Malcolm smiles. Returns his fingers to the mind-reading position. Malcolm looks to Cole's arm. Cole is wearing A LARGE SILVER WATCH. It swims on his thin wrist. It could probably slide up to his shoulder. Malcolm closes his eyes.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
The train's left the station, pal, and you're aboard. Would you like to hear the silver lining? Check that, gold. I've been working with John Bontecou all along. We had a game plan -- acquire Parrish Communications then break it apart and peddle it piece-by-piece to the highest bidder. I set it up for him, he smacks it out of the park. Quince is struck dumb. DREW (cont'd) Don't you know what this'll mean? You'll be rich. You'll sell your stock, you can stop kissing ass -- What'll it feel like to be a man?
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
That's what he said. Quince, having dispensed his information, looks proudly around at the Board members. They are stunned, Sloane in shock. Drew is absolutely still, letting Quince's words sink in. INT. DINING ROOM, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT Parrish, Joe, Susan, Allison and Quince are seated at the table, dessert plates in front of them, coffee cups beside. Allison and Susan's eyes are on Parrish, looking for some clue as to why has he gathered the family together yet again. Parrish is somewhat within himself, but he peeks over his demi-tasse cup at Joe, Parrish aware of Joe's heightened interest in Susan, and Susan's reciprocation. Coyle enters carrying two imposing stemmed silver trays with cakes on them, Luisa follows with one other. They set them down in front of Parrish.
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
Good-bye, Susan. Susan waves softly to him, heads down the hall, glances back once to see Joe has not moved, is watching her depart. INT. PARRISH'S OFFICE - AFTERNOON Jennifer shows Joe in, Parrish is deep in thought, beside him a meal laid out beautifully on his desk with linen and silver, but untouched. Joe is more abstracted than usual, he is staring at Parrish's food.
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
I've arranged for favors -- silver charm bracelets for the women, platinum keychains for the men -- all engraved 'W.P.' -- but now I'm thinking of scrubbing them, they seem so ordinary.Finally Parrish rises from the table, starts out. ALLISON (cont'd) Are they ordinary? Do they seem that way to you, Daddy?
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script