
n. 程序;计划;大纲


[Rachel] People say "Oh, what is the space program really doing for us?
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[Patrick] The Apollo program alone was the reason computers took the advances to where they are.
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All of this has originated in our U.S. space program.
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They associate our space program with Americans flying on American rockets.
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[Senator Nelson] If you talk to the average person on the street, they think the space program is over.
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[deGrasse Tyson] When the Gemini program ended, no one shed a tear because the mighty Saturn 5 rocket was sitting in an adjacent launch pad ready to continue that mission, and we knew that was going to the Moon.
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[Obama] Well, this mission marks the final flight of the Space Shuttle program.
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We lost no more people and the program ended in something close to triumph.
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So we can make a rough program, go out, figure out what happened wrong then just make it more and more and more and more precise so we can perfectly execute that when the mission comes.
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I can program for both.
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[Jace] With these robots, you have to learn how to program them to work without a human being at the controls.
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[Jace] We do robotics at Space Camp because robotics is a huge part of the space program.
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But I feel like after the '60s, the acceleration of the program just declined to a sad point.
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[Kluger] What's been happening at NASA has been a very long term drift in terms of the manned space program.
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[Kluger] Nixon had a choice to continue the program to go on to Mars.
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We prefer to see our space program in a somewhat different light.
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[Dr. Thomas] We put together everything we learned from Mercury and Gemini in the Apollo program.
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[Dr. Don Thomas] We went on to the Gemini program, sending two astronauts up in a capsule.
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The first program was the Mercury program, just to see if an astronaut could survive in zero gravity.
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[Jacobsen] When you think of the Apollo program, when you think of man on the Moon, no doubt von Braun is a huge piece of JFK's legacy.
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[von Braun] If we were to start today on an organized and well supported space program, I believe a practical passenger rocket could be built and tested within 10 years.
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It's a real moment in American history when 42 million Americans tune in to watch von Braun talk on a Disney television program about space travel.
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[Bolden] Not a lot of Americans know that we took a...a Nazi, someone who helped designed rockets that were intended to kill us, relocated him and his team eventually to Huntsville, Alabama, where they became founding fathers of the spaceflight program.
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[music and cheering continue] [Charles Bolden] Wernher von Braun, when he designed and built the Apollo program, in the back of his mind already, he was way past Apollo.
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[Jace] I believe that the people who come here are the future of the space program.
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