
vt. 审理;听说;听到,听


Can you hear me at the back?
>> 6. Taking care of the tourists of the group
When you listen to tapes, listen with relaxed belief, believing that this can happen for you. And by listening to them, listen to them over and over and over again. And you will get a breakthrough, you can listen to the same tape for months and all of a sudden you hear something you never heard before, and have a special meaning for you. Or you can read the same book over again and you'll find some special insight, you said I can't believe I didn't see that the first time.
>> Motivate yourself in the morning
So you want to work on yourself, you want to read books that inspire you and motivate you, you want to listen to tapes over and over and over again, and I suggest that you listen to tapes when you first get up in the morning. You want to control the spirit of your day, when you first wake up in the morning your mind is operating at 10.5 wave cycles per second. that's when the subconscious mind is most impressionable. Whatever you hear in the first 20 minutes when you wake up, that will affect the spirit of your day.
>> Motivate yourself in the morning
I didn't expect to hear that.
>> Some business dialogue sentences
hear and heard
>> Mad or Not?
Only those who care about you can hear you when you're quiet and that hit heart.
>> Good People Give You Happiness
Am I audible? could you hear me?
>> online meeting on online classes
I think you're on mute, I can't hear you.
>> online meeting on online classes
EXT. SEAN'S APARTMENT -- SAME Will drives away from Sean's house. Sean hears the car pull out and looks out the window. Sean sees Will's car pulling away.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
So I hear you're taking some time.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
INT. CHUCKIE'S HOUSE -- DAY Chuckie, Billy, and Will sit in the Sullivan kitchen. Billy cracks open a beer and Chuckie reads the sports page. Both boys are smoking. Will drinks a beer, distractedly. We hear the faint music track and soft moans of a PORNO MOVIE emanating from a back room. After a beat, Chuckie looks up.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
(standing up to him) You know what I want to hear? I want to hear that you don't love me.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
You don't want to hear that. Don't tell me you want to hear that sh*t!!
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
You don't want to hear that I got cigarettes put out on me when I was a little kid. That this isn't surgery.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
No, you don't want to hear that.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
Oh, is that what this is about? You want to hear that I don't really have any brothers? That I'm a f***in' orphan? Is that what you want to hear?
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
Well all right, Beethoven. He looked at a piano and saw music. The f***in' guy was deaf when he composed the Ode to Joy. They had to turn him around to take a bow because he couldn't hear the crowd going crazy behind him. Stone deaf. He saw all of that music in his head.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
No, no you hear me out, Sean. This young man is a true prodigy--
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
See, it's my life story. Five more minutes and I would have got to hear your best pick-up line.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
occasionally we hear Chuckie shouting "Larry!" When he scores.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
Down the hall, we hear the DOOR CLOSE. He turns to look for Will, who is gone.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
I look around and see young people who are my students, young people who are not my students as well as some of my colleagues. And by no stretch of my imagination do I think you've all come to hear me lecture.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
You really don't want to hear me sing this by myself.
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
He hears we're rescued, he'll snap right out of it.
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
- I hear it.
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script