
vt. 审理;听说;听到,听


Did Danny hear? His eyes are closed again. But his head comes up; Rafe takes it, and Danny pulls him closer to whisper -->>完整场景
Rafe yells at Danny, as if he could hear -->>完整场景
These words go through the plane; and in the other planes they hear it too.>>完整场景
INT. HORNET'S RADIO ROOM - DAY The operators hear the excited voices of Japanese radio traffic.>>完整场景
(grinning) I don't reckon we can get hogbrains and grits, but I hear a man can eat good in this town.>>完整场景
You hear something?>>完整场景
INT. OKLAHOMA - THE TRAPPED SAILORS are in total darkness. From it we hear GASPING, then -->>完整场景
The orderly races away. They can still hear the bombs falling outside.>>完整场景
You hear my okay?>>完整场景
He's belting it like a baritone in a bizarre opera. His friends stir; what the hell? Red points outside and tries to talk, but now he can't mutter a syllable. The guys hear the explosions, and realize... EXT. HICKAM FIELD - BARRACKS - DAY The pilots stagger out, half drunk, half dressed. Seeing what's happening, they race toward the flight line, where the clustered American planes are blowing up in groups, and the pilots are knocked to the ground.>>完整场景
SAILOR 2 Now listen, you'll hear a little thud when it hits the side of the ship.>>完整场景
INT. BRITISH AIRFIELD BARRACKS - NIGHT Rafe falls down onto his cot, exhausted. The other pilots do the same, everybody spent from the day's combat. Then they hear the SIREN. Rafe's out of his bunk, with the others, everybody running.>>完整场景
Ever hear of mai-tai's? Comes in a big...pot. Like...like...>>完整场景
Rafe nods, glad to hear the news. The Commander starts to walk away, then turns back.>>完整场景
And OVER THIS ferocious dogfight, we hear his letter to Evelyn... RAFE'S VOICE (LETTER) Dear Evelyn... It is cold here. So cold, in a way that goes deep into your bones.>>完整场景
But I do have a warning for you. There's one line you all need to know, and you're likely to hear it from any man in a uniform. It goes like this: "Honey, Baby... We never know what's gonna happen, and I may die tomorrow...so, let's live all we can tonight.">>完整场景
Out of BLACK we hear the sound of an airplane roaring by.>>完整场景
Mark, do you hear me?>>完整场景
Guys?- We hear ya, yeah!>>完整场景
Yeah, we're here, can you hear us?>>完整场景
Whatever you say mark dude, did you hear the news?>>完整场景
What'd you hear tiny?>>完整场景
I hear the food has gotten really good in Vegas, they have a nobu now could you f***ing stop!>>完整场景
Yeah, yeah, did you hear?>>完整场景
Can't hear you, I'm sorry!>>完整场景