n. 摇摆;秋千;摆动;音律;涨落
- 408 CONTINUED: 408 Gordy raises the can. Thwock! Thwock! The can's all dents. There's garbage everywhere. She feints high andthen swings low again, a wicked blow to the knee. Gordystumbles badly this time. Selena breaks for the gate.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- It's a feint. She swings under the can and hits a leg.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- Selena swings again, and Gordy moves to block the hit.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- Gordy hits the balcony a half-second after Selena. He grabs her. Selena swings the crowbar to break his arm.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- 405A MOMENTS LATER 405A Gordy reaches the ladder. Selena's ahead of him by afloor, hurrying down two rungs at a time. Gordy doesn'tfuck with the rungs. Just swings over the edge of theroof, grabs the side-rails lightly with his hands, squeezes the rails with the insides of his boots and letsgravity take over.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- Gordy moves to the right side of the door. Selena knocks. The door swings inward to the left. Selena exits with the tray. The guard reaches to close thedoor, and Gordy brings the pipe down hard on his head, knocking him out. Gordy retrieves the guard's AK-47.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- Armstrong takes a drunken swing at Gordy, but... Instead of hitting Gordy, Armstrong accidentally-onpurpose clocks the fat detective. Then hisses into Gordy's ear, clearly not that drunk - ARMSTRONG: Get outta here - But then Armstrong's legs won't work as the thin federalejams the stun gun against his neck, and 10,000 voltssurprise the Armstrong neural network.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- Gordy looks back. The armed men advance toward them carefully, rifles in the ready position. Gordy watchesthem approach, wondering who they are and what they'regoing to do. Ever, frightened, takes a half-step back, then swings the length of bamboo fast and hard, and... (CONTINUED) 39.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- Beat. Then Gordy swings the bat. Hard. And... Destroys the computer monitor next to Ortiz-Dominguez.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- 10 CONTINUED: 10 Gordy swings over the hole on the axe handle.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- Gordy reaches the edge of the hole. Leaps with all he's got. At the same time, he swings the axe, point-first.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- (Haa, wad koo ee yaa ree kartaa hortoodah.) ALIA picks up her hoop again and starts to swing her hips.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- As the gate swings closed behind him, MUSA turns to ALIA.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- The door swings closed on ALIA, leaving her sitting alone.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- 7 EXT. ALIA’S COMPOUND - EASTLEIGH - DAWN 7 ALIA, laughing, swings her hips. The hoop whizzes around her.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- 4 EXT. ALIA’S COMPOUND - EASTLEIGH - DAWN 4 ALIA swings her hips as the hoop whizzes around her body.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- She swings her hips, making the hoop swirl around her body.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- (Kani waa midka aan weli-gay ist-ti-male-donno!) MUSA smiles, and hands her the hoop. ALIA takes it. She swings it over her body and around her waist - and SPINS it.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- First you put your two knees close up tight Then you swing 'em to the left and you swing 'em to the right You step around the door kind of nice and tight And then you twist around and twist around with all of your might Spread your loving arms way out in space Then you do the eagle rock with style and grace Put your foot way out and bring it back And that's what I call Battin' the Jack Very good. Very good.>> 莫负当年情 Beaches Movie Script
- The cyborg swings at Reese STEEL CLANGS ON STEEL.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- The truck swings in a slow arc.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- He doesn't seem too impaired as he swings around to fire.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- 42 EXT. HEALTH CLUB/STREETS - DUSK42 Sarah lurches away from the curb on her moped, almost spilling Ginger who is attempting to ride double. They swing out onto a main thoroughfare and careen through the bumper-to-bumper traffic.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- 38 EXT. HEALTH CLUB - DUSK 38 Sunlight is dying when Sarah swings her moped to the curb in front of the 'GOOD LIFE SPA', a large, crowded health club.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- - I'll swing one over your way.>> 蓝调传奇Cadillac Records Movie Script