
adj. 潮湿的;有雨的


Ha! You afraid to get wet?>>完整场景
[Clicks] [Guns clicking] Wet powder.>>完整场景
Wet. Wet again.>>完整场景
I don't know how if you want your thr... Look, Michael... Metro capitol backed you four years ago when you were a doctor with a dinky wet page and some inheritance money, we've all done very well, look... Why don't you just stick with stocks... You know me... I, I, I, I, I look for value, wherever it can be found.>>完整场景
We should wet our beaks a little.>>完整场景
The Grandchildren are in school now, and so the estate is especially quiet. Although there are signs that children live here; a bicycle, a sled, a swing and gymnastic set, wet and with a rim of snow still on it.>>完整场景
Neri comes around with a wet face towel, which Michael uses to cool his eyes. He puts the used towel down on the table.>>完整场景
Al, get me a wet towel. Does Kay know I'm back?>>完整场景
(Sicilian) You tell your friends I expect them to let me wet my beak in the same manner. Don't be afraid to tell them. Clemenza and I know each other well, he understands these things. Let yourself be guided by him. He has more experience in these matters.>>完整场景
You should let me wet my beak a little.>>完整场景
INT. THE BOATHOUSE - DAY Rocco ushers an older Italian, bundled up against the cold and wet of his boatride, to Michael.>>完整场景
Now he knows something is happening, he moves quickly, alertly. MICHAEL walking down the hospital corridors; all alone. The floors have just been mopped. They are still wet.>>完整场景
He wakens, feels the sheets with displeasure; they are wet.>>完整场景
WOLTZ'S BEDROOM (SUMMER 1945) It is large, dominated by a huge bed, in which a man, presumably WOLTZ, is sleeping. Soft light bathes the room from the large windows. We move closer to him until we see his face, and recognize JACK WOLTZ. He turns uncomfortably; mutters, feels something strange in his bedsheets. Something wet.>>完整场景
My Godson has come three thousand miles to do us honor and no one thinks to wet his throat.>>完整场景
You better take those wet things off.>>完整场景
No one is there, and his underwear is now all wet.>>完整场景
Call knew he could never drag the coffin all the way to Austin—he himself would be lucky to get across the bleached, waterless land to the Colorado or the San Saba. On the other hand he had no intention of leaving Gus, now that he had brought him so far. He broke open the coffin and rewrapped his friend’s remains in the tarp he had been using for a bed cover on wet nights—there were few of those to worry about. Then he lashed the bundle to Gus’s sign, itself well weathered, with most of the lettering worn off. He cut down a small salt-cedar and made a crude axle, fixing the sign between the two buggy wheels. It was more travois than buggy, but it moved. He felt his wound a trifle less every day, though he knew it had been a small-bore bullet that hit him. A larger bore and he would be down and probably dead.>>完整场景
Newt was puzzled at first when the Captain began watching him with the horses. At first he was nervous—he felt the Captain might be watching because he was doing something that needed correcting. But the afternoons passed, and the Captain merely watched, sometimes sitting there for hours, even if it turned wet or squally. Newt came to expect him. He came to feel that the Captain enjoyed watching. Because of the way the Captain had been behaving, giving him more and more of the responsibility for the work, Newt came to feel that Mr. Gus must have been right. The Captain might be his father. On some afternoons, with the Captain there by the corrals watching, he felt almost sure of it, and began to expect that the Captain would tell him soon. He began to listen—waiting to be told, his hope always growing. Even when the Captain didn’t speak, Newt still felt proud when he saw him come to watch him work.>>完整场景
Then she stepped back from him as abruptly as she had come to him, though she caught one of his hands and held it a moment. Her cheeks were wet with tears.>>完整场景
It was a wet snow, melting almost as it fell, but that didn’t make it much more comfortable.>>完整场景
“Oh, dern,” Pea Eye said. “Now I guess we’ll get lightning-struck.” “Go back to sleep, if all you can do is be pessimistic,” Augustus said. “I smell rain, which is a blessing. Indians mostly don’t like to fight in the wet. Only white men are dumb enough just to keep on fighting no matter what the weather is like.” “We’ve fought Indians in the wet,” Pea Eye said.>>完整场景
Then he felt deeply frightened. If the Indians came now, they were lost, he felt sure. He cocked his pistol and Gus’s, and held them both at the ready until his hands grew tired. His head was throbbing. He laid the guns down and wet Gus’s forehead from the water bag, hoping Gus would revive. If the Indians came, he would have to shoot quick, and his best shooting had always been done slowly. He liked to take a fine aim. It seemed Gus would never revive. Pea Eye thought he might be dying, although he could hear him breathing.>>完整场景
Newt had been curious about snow all the way north, but he had lost his jacket somewhere in Kansas, and now that snow had actually fallen he felt too cold to enjoy it. All he wanted was to be warm again. He had taken his boots off when he lay down to sleep, and the snow had melted on his feet, getting his socks wet. His boots were a tight fit, and it was almost impossible to get them on over wet socks. He went over to the fire barefoot, hoping to dry his socks, but so many of the cowboys were huddled around the fire that he couldn’t get a place at first.>>完整场景
The men had had the last of Po Campo’s water that morning, barely enough to wet their tongues. Po Campo doled it out with severity, careful to see that no one got more than his share. Though the old man had walked the whole distance, using his ax-handle cane, he seemed not particularly tired.>>完整场景