n. 大会;协定;惯例;习俗;约定
- 16:03:
- Now, we're also gonna add a number of partials here. This is the templating system, basically, a sub-routine that you can refer to. There's gonna be three of them that includes the entire comment section. We're gonna reference that in our post show in just a second. And within that, we're gonna refer to another partial for an individual comment, and another partial again for the new setup. So, let's paste some of that in here, You can see this for the entire collection, it just has an H2 for the comments, and we render the post comments. This again uses Rails' convention over the configuration approach.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- All post controllers follow the same convention. There are seven actions, you have index,show, new, edit, create and update and destroy! So there form a basic setup for configuring everything that's needed for a resource to be exposed to the web.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Holy sh*t! Five years ago securitization was a loser-convention a hundred, maybe two-hundred people would show 500 billion dollars later you get this!>> The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script
- - You guys with the meat packers convention ?
-你们参加肉类包装商大会吗?>> 心灵点滴 Patch Adams (1998) Movie Script- 418. The unconventional convention put many people to inconvenience.>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
- I got to sing at my father's dry cleaning convention.
我得在我父亲的干洗大会上唱歌。>> 莫负当年情 Beaches Movie Script- DENT:
- (takes the list) Sorry detective, I was in DC at a convention for three of these dates and my wife will tell you I was home with her for most of the rest.>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
- The opening video of the Democratic Convention in 201 2... ''Government is the one thing we all belong to. '' No, government belongs to us.>> 希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script
- [D'Souza] Talk about the 1924 Democratic National Convention.>> 希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script
- - [all] Let the white man rule! [Swain] He was the first grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and a pledged delegate to the Democratic Convention.
-让白人统治![Swain]他是三K党的第一位大巫师,也是民主党大会的承诺代表。>> 希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script