
vt. 演奏;播放;游戏;扮演;同…比赛


“Where we’re going is a sight farther,” he said.“WELL, I’M GOING TO MISS WANZ,” Augustus said, as he and Call were eating their bacon in the faint morning light. “Plus I already miss my Dutch ovens. You would want to move just as my sourdough got right at its prime.” “I’d like to think there’s a better reason for living in a place than you being able to cook biscuits,” Call said. “Though I admit they’re good biscuits.” “You ought to admit it, you’ve et enough of them,” Augustus said. “I still think we ought to just hire the town and take it with us. Then we’d have a good barkeep and someone to play the pianer.” With Call suddenly determined to leave that very day, Augustus found himself regretful, nostalgic already for things he hadn’t particularly cared for but hated to think of losing.>>完整场景
“I have et okra,” Jasper replied, “but I have never yet et no gourd.” So far neither Newt nor the Rainey or Spettle boys had been allowed to play. The men felt it would be little short of criminal to bankrupt young men at the outset of their careers. But sometimes when nobody was using the deck, Newt borrowed it and he and the others played among themselves. Sean O’Brien joined in. They usually played for pebbles, since none of them had any money.>>完整场景
“Gus, I’ve heard it said you had a fancy for that woman yourself,” Jasper Fant said. “I wouldn’t have suspected it in a man as old as you.” “What would you know about anything, Jasper?” Augustus asked. “Age don’t slow a man’s whoring. It’s lack of income that does that. No more prosperous than you look, I wouldn’t think you’d know much about it.” “We oughtn’t to talk this way around these young boys,” Bert said. “I doubt a one of ’em’s even had a poke, unless it was at a milk cow.” A general laugh went up.“These young uns will have to wait until we get to Ogallala,” Augustus said. “I’ve heard it’s the Sodom of the plains.” “If it’s worse than Fort Worth I can’t wait to get there,” Jasper said. “I’ve heard there’s whores you can marry for a week, if you stay in town that long.” “It won’t matter how long we stay,” Augustus said. “I’ll have skinned all you boys of several years’ wages before we get that far. I’d skin you out of a month or two tonight, if somebody would break out the cards.” That was all it took to get a game started. Apart from telling stories and speculating about whores, it seemed to Newt the cowboys would rather play cards than anything. Every night, if there were as many as four who weren’t working, they’d spread a saddle blanket near the campfire and play for hours, mostly using their future wages as money. Already the debts which existed were so complicated it gave Newt a headache to think about them. Jasper Fant had lost his saddle to Dish Boggett, only Dish was letting him keep it and use it.>>完整场景
Jake felt himself getting more and more peevish. Lorena should have known better than to play cards with Gus, or even to talk to him, though she could hardly be blamed for listening. It was well known that Gus would talk to a stump if hecouldn’t find a human.>>完整场景
“He won’t tell,” Augustus said. “Lippy’s got more sense than you might think. What he figures is that if he keeps quiet he might make another ten dollars sometime. Which is right. He might.” “Well, not unless we play a hand,” Lorena said. “I don’t trust your cut.”Augustus grinned. “A man who wouldn’t cheat for a poke don’t want one bad enough,” he said as he took his hat.>>完整场景
She still felt peaceful with him; they had never quarreled and he had not demonstrated the slightest inclination to meanness. But it was clear to her already that he was one of those men somebody had to take care of. He had fooled her for a few days into thinking he would do the taking care of, but that wasn’t so. He was a clever cardplayer and could make money, but that was just part of it. Jake had to have company. When he slept, or when he was amused, or was just lolling around telling stories, the childish part of him showed, and it was a big part. Before the week was over it seemed to her that he was all play.>>完整场景
“I think so,” Dish said. “I’m working for these Hat Creek boys right now. They’re thinking of getting up a drive.” “You mean they hire you to play cards?” Jasper asked. He fancied himself a joker.>>完整场景
She wasn’t about to start that, but she did play him a few hands—the cowboys were too sunk even to drink. The boys said goodnight to her politely, hoping she would think kindly of them, but she didn’t. Boys didn’t interest her as much as cards.>>完整场景
“Sweet music,” Lippy said cheerfully. “I’ll play your favorite song.” It was not much enticement, Lorena thought, since he played her favorite songs every time she came in the room as it was, hoping his skill at the keyboard would finally move her to let him buy a poke.>>完整场景
But Xavier had lost faith in house rules since it had also been a house rule that Lorena was a whore, and now she wasn’t anymore. If a whore could retire so abruptly, Lippy might as well play cards.>>完整场景
“Dish, we might as well stop,” Jasper said. “We’ll barely get out of debt this year as it is.” “I’ll take a hand,” Lippy said. “I might be rusty but I’m willing.” “Let him play,” Xavier said suddenly. It was a house rule that Lippy was not allowed to gamble. His style was extravagant and his resources meager. Several times his life had been endangered when strangers discovered he had no means of paying them the sums he had just lost.>>完整场景
It was not much of a face, for Lorie had never seemed prettier to him. She had pushed up the sleeves of her dress, and when it came her turn to handle the cards her white arms all but mesmerized him. He could hardly think to bet for watching Lorie’s arms and her firm lips. Her arms were plumpish, but more graceful than any Dish had ever seen. He could not think what he was doing, he wanted her so much; it caused him to play so badly that in an hour he had lost three months’ wages.>>完整场景
It gave Lorie the shivers when Jake talked like that, and made her feel that she wanted to play a part in keeping him alive.>>完整场景
“Gus, that leaves you the Irishmen,” he said. “If they can ride, you ought to catch up with these horses somewhere this side of the river. Just don’t stop to play no poker with them.” Augustus considered the situation for a minute.>>完整场景
Jake grinned his slow grin. “You boys,” he said. “You got me down for lazier than I am. I ain’t no lover of cow shit and trail dust, I admit, but I’ve seen something that you haven’t seen: Montana. Just because I like to play cards don’t mean I can’t smell an opportunity when one’s right under my nose. Why, you boys ain’t even got a barn with a roof on it. I doubt it would bust you to move.” “Jake, if you ain’t something,” Augustus said. “Here we ain’t seen hide nor hair of you for ten years and now you come riding in and want us to pack up and go north to get scalped.” “Well, Gus, me and Call are going bald anyway,” Jake said. “You’re the only one whose hair they’d want.”“All the more reason not to carry it to a hostile land,” Augustus said. “Why don’t you just calm down and play cards with me for a few days? Then when I’ve won all your money we’ll talk about going places.” Jake whittled down a match and began to meticulously pick his teeth.>>完整场景
“If you come to Chiny you can stop digging,” Augustus called after him. “That’s the place where the men wear pigtails.” “I wouldn’t ride him if I were you,” Call said. “We may need him.” “I didn’t send him off to dig no well,” Augustus said. “Don’t you know that’s an insult to his dignity? I’m surprised he went. I thought Dish had more grit.” “He said he’d stay,” Call said. “I ain’t feeding him three times a day to sit around and play cards with you.” “No need to now,” Augustus said. “I got fake for that. I bet you don’t get Jake down in your well.” At that moment Jake stepped out on the back porch, his sleeves rolled up and his face red from the scrubbing he had given it with the old piece of sacking they used for a towel.>>完整场景
What about you, Wanz? Let’s play cards.”Xavier acquiesced. It was better than nothing. Besides, he was a devilish good cardplayer, one of the few around who was a consistent match for Augustus. Lorena was competent—Tinkersley had taught her a little. When the Dry Bean was full of cowboys she was not allowed to sit in, but on nights when the clientele consisted of Augustus, she often played.>>完整场景
“Them’s the only musical instruments I ever learned to play,” he told her once.>>完整场景
They could hear the piano from down at the Dry Bean. An old-timer named Lippy Jones did all the playing. He had the same problem Sam Houston had had, which was a hole in his belly that wouldn’t quite heal shut. Someone had shot Lippy with a big bore gun; instead of dying he ended up living with a leak. With a handicap like that, it was lucky he could play the piano.>>完整场景
Newt doubted that. The Captain was not one to play. If he felt he had to go off and sit in the dark every night, he must think it important.>>完整场景
Farting was still fairly, uh... It was still fairly taboo in the United States and, uh, they had all these morning zoo programs and they were looking for any excuse they could find just to say the word "fart" or to play fart effects on, you know-- you know, on the air.>>完整场景
If there's too much sun, we'll stay at home and play cards.>>完整场景
- And do what? Play stickball?>>完整场景
- You're a hero? Play with one hand.>>完整场景
- Sh*t! How do we play it?>>完整场景