词汇:stomach [ˈstʌmək]

n. 胃;胃口;腹部 vt.欣赏;欣然接受;喜欢和…相处;能吃;吃得下


She steadies herself as the next body comes through, a woman on a stretcher, her stomach shot open, pale hands clutching at the open wound. Evelyn feels for a pulse.>>完整场景
CAPTAIN OF THE WEST VIRGINIA Stay calm! Find your positions. Medics, get the wounded to sick bay! Load and -- MORE TORPEDOES and BOMBS blast into the ship. A big chunk of shrapnel tears into the Captain and rips his stomach open.>>完整场景
Danny drains the whole glass at one chug, and slams it down onto the table. Then he blinks, puts a hand on his stomach, and frowns. Coma recognizes the look.>>完整场景
Pentangeli lying in a tub of water. His stomach shows above it. His wrists are cut and covered with blood. The bath water has a purplish tone.>>完整场景
The other Italian immediately joins in with a few kicks to the boy's stomach. Hyman tries to fight back; grabs a hold of his tormentor's foot, and brings him down on the cement as well. For a moment, they are rolling around on the sidewalk, two against one, Hyman taking the worst of it.>>完整场景
He holds onto the door frame, trying to stand erect, trying to reach for his gun. The force of his struggle has torn the buttons off his jacket and made it swing loose. His gun is exposed but so is a spidery vein on the white shirtfront of his stomach. Carefully, as if plunging a needle into this vein, Vito Corleone fires a second bullet.>>完整场景
HAGEN, sick to his stomach, moves with his ESCORTS, leaving our VIEW on the Mechanical windows gaily bobbing the story of Hansel and Gretel. We HEAR the car doors shut, and the car drive off.>>完整场景
You had plenty in your stomach in the famine.>>完整场景
As soon as he finishes saying that, the staff comes out and SLAMS him in the stomach, sending Drew to his knees in pain.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON DREW: As he goes through a thicket of bamboo. as he gets to the center, he is attacked! The staff comes out, but Drew manages to block it with one of the buckets. The staff strikes again, and Drew blocks again! A third time, and Drew raises both buckets over his head to block it – and drenches himself with the water. Then, the staff hits him in the stomach.>>完整场景
Ten more seconds and I would have kicked your ass... Gao smiles and walks through the door. Just as he passes Drew, he punches him in the stomach.>>完整场景
Drew, ready to double over in pain, hears the staff hit the frisbee, and stands up straight, adjusting the frisbee that saved his stomach.>>完整场景
Just then, out of the shadows comes an attacking staff, SLAMMING into Drew's unprotected stomach!>>完整场景
Sir, it is our custom, man would die with a full stomach May I feed them?>>完整场景
Wong Fai-hong, You should go for my stomach not my face!>>完整场景
PULL BACK TO REVEAL Inigo, struggling feebly, pulling the dagger from his stomach. Holding the wound with his left hand.>>完整场景
trying like hell to get out of the way, but no, and it sticks deep into his stomach, and he hurtles back helplessly against the wall of the room, his eyes glazed, blood coming from his wound.>>完整场景
There is a moment's pause, and then the Man In Black dives at FEZZIK's chest, slams him several tremendous blows in the stomach, twists his arm severely, slips skillfully into a beautifully applied bear hug, and in general makes any number of terrific wrestling moves.>>完整场景
“I do wish I’d just stayed in Lonesome Dove,” he said, when he stopped crying.THEY TRAILED THE HERD up the Powder River, whose water none of the cowboys liked. A few complained of stomach cramps and others said the water affected their bowel movements. Jasper Fant in particular had taken to watching his own droppings closely. They were coming out almost white, when any came out at all. It seemed an ominous sign.>>完整场景
Jimmy Rainey soon followed, and was totally silent about his own experience. He was not over his upset stomach and kept falling behind to vomit as they walked around town looking for Lippy.>>完整场景
Newt made the stairs with no trouble and clomped right on up them. He had not really meant to seize the lead, and his heart was in his throat. He felt delicately balanced, as if his stomach might be in his throat too, if he didn’t proceed carefully.>>完整场景
Young Jimmy Rainey turned out to have no stomach for liquor at all. He started vomiting almost as soon as he started drinking. Pete Spettle drank freely, but only looked darker and more depressed, whereas Ben Rainey enjoyed the liquor hugely and guzzled considerably more than his share.>>完整场景
It was amazing that a few swallows of liquid could produce such a sensation. It was silly, but after a while he felt like lying down and hugging his stomach and hugging the earth, to make sure he didn’t float off.>>完整场景
“Why, that’s a leg pull,” Jimmy Rainey said. “How could one come off?” “Oh, well, if it don’t come plumb off it’ll drip worse than my stomach,” Lippy said. “You boys oughtn’t to doubt me. I was living with whores before any of you sprouted.” “How do we get the beer?” Newt asked. He was almost as intrigued by the thought of beer as by the thought of whores.>>完整场景
“I oughtn’t to tolt that,” he said. “Gus threatened to shoot another hole in my stomach if I did.” “We won’t tell,” Newt assured him.>>完整场景