
adj. 显然的;表面上的


PRESIDENT FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT appears, in a wheelchair, pushed by a huge black valet, GEORGE. The President's legs are shriveled, braced with the iron supports that attach to his shoes and are apparent beneath the cloth of his pin-striped pants. From the waist up Roosevelt is heavily muscled, powerful, and handsome even in his little spectacles. The valet rolls him to the head of the table; he's speaking even before he settles in.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
EXT. TAHOE ESTATE - FULL VIEW - DAY There are more men on duty than usual; not that there are guns apparent, but it's clear that the boundaries are being patrolled.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
Tails, it should be apparent to you.
>> 刺猬索尼克 1996 Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Script
In the early spring, while the weather was still chancy, fifteen horses disappeared one night. It was only by luck that the theft was discovered, for in such a place at such a time horsethieves were the last thing they were expecting. Call had taken the precaution of going with Old Hugh to two or three of the nearest Indian camps to meet the chiefs and do the usual diplomacy, in the hope of preventing the sort of surprise encounter that had proven deadly for Gus. The visits made him sad, for the Indians were not belligerent and it was apparent that Gus had merely struck the wrong bunch at the wrong time, in the wrong manner. It was a depressing irony, for Gus had always been one to preach diplomacy with the red man and over the years had engaged in many councils that Call himself thought pointless. Gus had talked to many a warrior that Call would merely have shot, and yet had got killed in a place where most of the Indians were happy to talk, particularly to a man who owned an endless supply of beef.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
While he was pondering what his next move might be, a hard-looking crew showed up in the saloon where he was playing. It consisted of three brothers—the Suggs brothers. Dan Suggs was the oldest and most talkative. The younger two, Ed and Roy, were sullen and restless, always watching the doors to see who might be coming in. Dan had no interest in doors, or any apparent concern other than a need to have his whiskey glass filled rather often. All three were scraggly- bearded men.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
INT. DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT As ARMED GUARDS search the halls below the stage, Ping andJing shut the door to their dressing room. At the closet, they start to change outfits. Off-stage, their personalitiesbecome quite apparent: Ping is brash, bitchy and ambitious, while Jing is quiet, sweet and bookish.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- None apparent.
>> 心灵点滴 Patch Adams (1998) Movie Script
As I watched Ayrton's early career, what was very apparent was his pace and his dedication.
>> Senna Movie Script
Gordy's going uphill, when he rounds a bend in the trail, and... He meets a man coming the other way. Alarm gives way tothe realization that the man is followed by a number ofpeople, including women and children. As they passGordy, it's apparent they're refugees from their hauntedexpressions and crude backpacks heavy with possessions... Gordy addresses the passing people. Indicates where he's standing.
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
ANCHORMAN (V.O.) ...police had no further comment on the apparent similarity between the shooting death of an Encino woman earlier today... CUT WIDE to show Sarah watching the TV which is suspended over the bar. The place is a crowded, post-movie hangout, raucous with laughter and videogames. The newscast continues, ignored by all except Sarah.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script