
n. 政府;管辖;政体


The government don't pay a bounty on redskins anymore.>>完整场景
330 INT. GOVERNMENT SUBURBAN 330 As the Suburban turns into the garage -( CONTINUED) 114.>>完整场景
Selena leafs through the photos of various Washingtonmonuments, government buildings, etc. She reaches the last photo.>>完整场景
327 EXT. ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE (MARYLAND) - DAWN A Lear stops by a convoy of black government Suburbansparked on the tarmac. FBI agents Joe Phipps and ReggieDray are among those waiting by the cars. The Lear's door pops, and Gordy, carrying a sleeping Mauro, emergeswith Selena. Brandt and a medic follow.>>完整场景
OROSCO (V.O.) ... The government got scared. In 1998, to jump start peace talks, it gave a coalition of guerrilla groups temporary control over much of southern Colombia... The first communist stronghold on an American continent... 73 GORDY 73 4. Gordy draws a line around the guerrilla zone.>>完整场景
(jump cut) The deaths of the woman and little boy are regrettable, but your government inflicts them all the time. Yugoslavia, Iraq... You call it 'collateral damage'... 65 INT. VACANT SECOND-FLOOR OFFICE (QUEENS) - NIGHT 65 An FBI SURVEILLANCE TEAM has taken over the office.>>完整场景
LIEUTENANT-GENERAL BENSON Minister, we cannot have military decisions dictated by government committees! Nor can we put on hold a military operation at every stage for legal clarification. You tell us when to go to war, we conduct the war and you deal with the aftermath.>>完整场景
I have an ROE question. Is my Government aware that we are targeting a person with a US passport?>>完整场景
What of the Kenyan government?>>完整场景
64 INT. BRIEFING ROOM A - WHITEHALL - MORNING 64 COBR(A) -Cabinet Office Briefing Room A - is the Government committee that meets in response to crises at home and elsewhere in the world that have implications at home.>>完整场景
On behalf of the British government, I am proud to introduce Integrated Battlefield Solutions, a UK company leading the field in the production of life-saving, lightweight military clothing.>>完整场景
REPORTER’S VOICE Somali Al-Shabaab militants have posted this picture of an unnamed man they say they have executed in Nairobi. The group claims he was working for British military intelligence attempting to infiltrate their international recruitment networks. Al-Shabaab want to impose their strict version of Sharia law across the horn of Africa. They bitterly resent the role of Britain and the Kenyan military in propping up the UN backed Somali government in Mogadishu. The Ministry of Defense has declined to comment, but denounced the execution as “sickening.” Affected, but stoic, POWELL watches in icy silence.>>完整场景
Call the federal government.>>完整场景
Whatever...they become the hotshot computer guys so they get the job to build El Computer Grande...Skynet...for the government. Right?>>完整场景
After the school received the money from the government... for every enrolled student... Mrs. Creswood would then proceed... to weed out those she felt were undesirable.>>完整场景
Everything's polluted-- the environment, the government, the schools-- you name it.>>完整场景
License to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations.>>完整场景
While the teams are warming up, we'd like to remind you... that all proceeds from the refreshment stands... go to your student government.>>完整场景
Each side assumed it was a renegade arm of their own government.>>完整场景
I said, "in theory." We've heard that elements of their government want a meeting to discuss a way of ending the war without the annihilation of Earth.>>完整场景
I'll instruct my Rangers to make contact with the Narn government and set things in motion.>>完整场景
We're not asking the Centauri government to intervene militarily.>>完整场景
There's a debate as to whether private enterprise or the federal government can create innovation.>>完整场景
[Jace] NASA, all of the money they have ever received from the government combined, is still less than the yearly budget of the D.O.D.>>完整场景