
adj. 少的,小的;不重要的;几乎没有的;微弱的;幼小的


EXT. THE HAVANA CAPRI - DAY Fredo Corleone steps out of a car, squints up at the sunshine and palm trees. He is holding on tightly to a small satchel, which he won't let the bellman carry along with his other things.>>完整场景
If only I could live to see it, kid; to be there with you. How beautifully we've done it, step by step. Here, protected, free to make our profits without the Justice Department, the FBI; ninety miles away in partnership with a friendly government. Ninety miles, just a small step, looking for a man who desperately wants to be President of the United States, and having the cash to make it possible.>>完整场景
(accepting a smaller piece) Thank you. We can find people in the United States who will put up our share for a small piece of the action, yet we will retain control.>>完整场景
A moment's hesitation, then a few of the men laugh. Now two Cubans in white carry a table which has a lovely small cake on it.>>完整场景
(handing him a small envelope) And it's got to be there by Monday morning, no slip-up.>>完整场景
One of Pentangeli's button men gets out of the car, and steps into a small Italian restaurant; he exits quickly, and nods affirmatively toward Pentangeli's Cadillac.>>完整场景
MICHAEL'S VIEW There, sitting before the television is a small man in his middle sixties, thin, with a wizened face, looking like a small-time retired Jewish businessman. This is HYMAN ROTH.>>完整场景
Michael continues up to a small den on the second floor; we can HEAR the sound of a baseball game coming over the television.>>完整场景
EXT. SUBURBAN MIAMI NEIGHBORHOOD - DAY Ola's car leads Michael's through a middle-class suburban area of $30,000 to $40,000 homes. There are small channels with sporting and fishing boats parked near the houses.>>完整场景
He flicks the switch of a small tape recorder.>>完整场景
A small group of bodyguards, carrying machine guns, make the walk with him from all sides, a respectful distance away.>>完整场景
A small Corleone launch, with a bright spotlight slowly cruises the boundaries of the estate. We SEE the silhouette of men with guns, quietly waiting and watching.>>完整场景
INT. MICHAEL-KAY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT The room is lit from a small night lamp on Michael's side of the large bed.>>完整场景
We can see the outline of many toys on the shelves built along the wall. We see the dark figure of Michael Corleone enter the room and approach the bed where his son Anthony lies curled in messy blankets. Michael quietly arranges his small hands and feet and covers the little boy. Suddenly, Anthony turns, his eyes open. He is staring, perfectly awake, at his father.>>完整场景
CLOSE VIEW ON VITO listening to the song. He reaches out and takes the small hand of his son.>>完整场景
A small gray alley cat is attracted to the young man, comes up to him and rubs itself against him. Vito rubs the animal, speaking softly in Sicilian, then, gaining its confidence, lifts it up and carefully lets it into Fanucci's apartment.>>完整场景
INT. SOCIAL CLUB - NIGHT We can still HEAR the crowds and music of the festa. Vito enters; the club is empty, except for the large white figure sitting alone at a small table. Fanucci barely acknowledges Vito as he joins him.>>完整场景
EXT. FESTA STREET - NIGHT Vito passes the booths of food, crossing toward a small and dark club.>>完整场景
INT. VITO'S TENEMENT - DAY They are on their knees cutting the rug to fit the small room. Carmella watches, holding the baby SANTINO.>>完整场景
INT. TENEMENT ROOM - NIGHT Vito and Carmella enter the darkened bedroom, and approach a metal crib. Vito reaches down and takes the small hand of the baby between his thick peasant fingers. Carmella waits a respectful distance behind him.>>完整场景
INT. TINY TENEMENT - FULL VIEW - NIGHT The very small, railroad type flat where Vito lives with his new family.>>完整场景
He turns to a small Choir Master, who leads the Boys' Choir in a choral arrangement of "MR. WONDERFUL.">>完整场景
VIEW ON THE HARBOR AREA Francesca and her twin, Gardner and their elite young friends roar out of the private harbor, to get up on the water skis. We notice ROCCO LAMPONE, move along a path leading to a separate and more private boathouse. A small covered craft approaches, ties off, and a group of three men step on to the pathway, shake hands with Lampone - and follow him to the large boathouse where Michael conducts his business.>>完整场景
NERI (O.S.) (continuing) ...American wife and two small kids.>>完整场景
NERI (O.S.) His name is Fred Vincent. He owns a small pizza parlor in Buffalo... CLOSE ON THE PICTURES Snapshots of a middle-aged man, handsome, Italian. There is something familiar about him.>>完整场景