
n. 巨人;巨大的动物;伟人


Well, if you believe such things, there's a beast does the bidding of Davy Jones - a fearsome creature with giant tentacles that'll suction your face clean off and drag an entire ship down to the crushing darkness.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] With the new day comes another attempt to explore deeper inside the sunken giant.>>完整场景
The sailors and marines, thrown into the water, struggle to get away from the suction as the giant battleship turns turtle.>>完整场景
INT. PENTAGON - DAY ADMIRALS and other OFFICERS are gathered around a giant map of the Pacific.>>完整场景
Either we're right, or we're wrong in a giant, giant way!>>完整场景
This guy says that the housing market is a giant bubble!>>完整场景
These outsiders saw the giant lie at the heart of the economy and they saw it by doing something the rest of the suckers never thought to do.>>完整场景
Rocco gone, Hagen moves behind the enormous bar, and pours himself a giant drink. He drinks that, and calms himself.>>完整场景
Small step, giant leap. Yeah.>>完整场景
According to my calculations, if the Robot Generator isn't stopped by sunrise tomorrow, there will be a giant explosion!>>完整场景
Don't worry, with one leg a little shy, you're gonna take giant steps.>>完整场景
Kill the dark one and the giant, but leave the third for questioning.>>完整场景
THE BRUTES: as the Giant bursts suddenly, happily into flames.>>完整场景
THEIR P.O.V.: And it is a bit unnerving -- a GIANT seems to be floating toward them out of the darkness, a Giant in a strange cloak, and with a voice that would crumble walls.>>完整场景
HOLD ON THE LIGHTNING SAND -- THEN -- An odd panting sound is heard now. The panting sound is suddenly very loud. And then a giant R.0.U.S. darts into view. The R.0.U.S. -- a Rodent of Unusual Size -- is probably no more than eighty pounds of bone and power. It sniffs around a bit then, as quickly as it has come, it goes.>>完整场景
A GIANT SPURT OF FLAME leaps up, preceded by a slight popping sound, and this particular spurt of flame misses Westley, but Buttercup is suddenly onfire; at least the lower half of her is and -->>完整场景
THE GIANT TREES, thick and black-green, look ominous as hell and they shield all but intermittent stripes of sun.>>完整场景
HUMPERDINCK: Someone has beaten a giant!>>完整场景
(stares at the Man in Black) You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong.>>完整场景
as he charges toward a huge rock that lines the path, and just as he reaches it he spins his giant body so that the entire weight of the charge is taken by the Man In Black.>>完整场景
Finally the Man In Black pushes himself away, stares up at the Giant.>>完整场景
He gets set to throw, but the Man In Black shakes his head, takes off his sword and scabbard, begins the approach toward the Giant.>>完整场景
He dashes to the giant rock the rope was originally tied to.>>完整场景
(shaking his head) I'm just going to have to find myself a new giant, that's all.>>完整场景