
adv. 总是;永远,一直;常常


People hate to think about bad things happening so they always underestimate their likelihood.>>完整场景
It's housing... Housing is always stable... low-risk.>>完整场景
I've always been.. More comfortable..>>完整场景
Fashion Week is always held in New York.>>完整场景
l'll always love you.>>完整场景
And you know always, l always will.>>完整场景
l guess that if it's any consolation, l want you to know that that l always loved you, Michael.>>完整场景
l'll always help you.>>完整场景
l always have time to save souls.>>完整场景
But you're cousins, after all. Michael was always a little old-fashioned.>>完整场景
Oh, Mary, you're such a warm-hearted girl. You always were.>>完整场景
Your enemies always get strong on what you leave behind.>>完整场景
That's always been my fault.>>完整场景
- Your friendship does that always.>>完整场景
You know, l always felt responsible for you.>>完整场景
He's always with people, in front of TV cameras in his own neighbourhood.>>完整场景
As your family's oldest friend, l'm always chosen to bring you messages.>>完整场景
l have always believed that helping your fellow man is profitable in every sense, personally and bottom line.>>完整场景
- We can always use a good judge.>>完整场景
l'll always be your son, but won't have anything to do with your business.>>完整场景
- Men always believe that.>>完整场景
Relatives always kiss.>>完整场景
(very gently) The Roman Empire... when a plot against the Emperor failed, the plotters were always given a chance to let their families keep their fortunes.>>完整场景
Frankie, you were always interested in politics, in history. I remember you talking about Hitler back in '43. We were young then.>>完整场景
Why do you hurt me, Michael? I've always been loyal to you.>>完整场景