
adj. 武装的;有扶手的;有防卫器官的(指动物)


On the express condition that we do not reveal our actual location, we've received special permission to penetrate deep into a rhino sanctuary accompanied by heavily armed anti-poaching rangers.>>完整场景
Child’s play? They’re inside airport security. They have to worry about climate control, not armed raids.>>完整场景
EXT. HIGH-RISE HOUSE – EVENING ARMED GUARDS patrol the balconies.>>完整场景
INT. LOEB'S STUDY - NIGHT Three armed security guards burst into the room and catch SELINA, red handed trying to pry open a locked cabinet. She's tripped an alarm.>>完整场景
Meanwhile, attracted by the noise. More armed men rush down the staircase.>>完整场景
INT. 6-STORY WAREHOUSE. NEAR GOTHAM DOCK - MOMENTS LATER Armed guards playing cards at a table.>>完整场景
Four-Sixteen. DUTTON HEIGHTS HOUSING PROJECTS. Hostage situation. Suspect armed and dangerous. SWAT teams have been deployed. Responding officers report to Commissioner Loeb on site.>>完整场景
While offering just as much speed and memory As microchannel, and armed with a host of heavy support.>>完整场景
(beat) Few months left to go, I get a new cellmate in. Elmo Blatch. Big twitchy f***er. Crazy eyes. Kind of roomie you pray you don't get, know what I'm sayin'? 6 to 12 for armed burglary. Said he done hundreds of jobs. Hard to believe, high-strung as he was. Cut a loud fart, he'd go three feet in the air. Talked all the time, too, that's the other thing. Never shut up. Places he'd been, jobs he pulled, women he f***ed. Even people he killed.>>完整场景
Armed robbery.>>完整场景
I want 20 armed COs in the yard.>>完整场景
There'll be three armed guards in there with me, when you give birth.>>完整场景
EXT. LINCOLN MEMORIAL - DAY Forrest walks by the Lincoln Memorial. A fence surrounds the Memorial, as well as armed military guards.>>完整场景
President Johnson awarded four Medals of Honor to men from each of the Armed Services.>>完整场景
The release is jammed! We can't deliver the payload, sir! We're still armed.>>完整场景
Robbie! Rob! What are you going to do, mate? What you never did - go to Ireland, me and Elliot. - Give him what I never had. - What's the odds of you letting me come too? - Bet you've never even been to Killarney. - Yes, I have! Once. That bit was true. When I was about five. Yeah, I never wanted to come home. The only time I ever saw me mum and dad happy together. And then...we came home. Back to normal. What was? Me dad coming home bladdered every night and battering me mum. I asked you if you were like him. You never answered. You are. He drank. You gambled. Same thing. You both hurt people. - Rob... - And who was that woman in t'graveyard? - Me mum. Your nan. - I thought she was dead. Why'd you lie? - Look, Rob, we're getting soaked here, mate. - Why? - Come on, mate, it's cold, we'll get soaked. - Why? - The baby'll get a cold! - Why?! - Why?! Why, why, why! F***ing hell! Cos I feel sh*t, OK? Happy now? I feel sh*t about me, about this f***ing habit. I left me mum when I was 16. I left her to me old fella, that was a shitheadwho beat the sh*t out of her and I did nothing! OK? I didn't go back until... ..we were in town and you were a little baby. Our Bernie said me dad's in the hozzy, got cancer and wants you to see him, say goodbye and all that. So I goes to the ward and there he is with all the tubes and me mum sitting there holding his hand and that. F***ing hell! She done herself up, you know what I mean? All lovely for him. Then what? Nothing. I did nothing. Like I've always done nothing. - POLICE SIREN - I just walked. Robbie! What are you doing, mate? What are you doing, Rob, with the baby? Robbie! He's my son. They're not having him. I'm his dad. Don't be silly. What'll you do? Jump? You can't jump! Armed police! Step away from the edge! Why? Thinking about yourself again? Everyone's going to blame you, eh? If anyone's to jump, it should be me. Go on, then. Do it.>>完整场景
'Police believe the teenage boy 'who abducted his six-month-old son three days ago 'could be somewhere in the North Wales area 'after a stolen car was found near Prestatyn this morning.' '14-year-old Robert Mullan from New Brighton disappeared with baby Elliot 'after shooting 19-year-old Steven James with a serious wound. 'Police are warning the public not to approach Mullan, as he may be armed. 'In other news today, the Prime Minister...' Not long now, mate.We'll be there soon. Come on, mate. Ssh. THEY TALK INAUDIBLY Robbie, catch him. Catch him! Come on, Robbie, catch him! Whoa! Banana milkshake, please. Sorry, machine's broke. Got fizzy drinks. No, ta. It's just me and you now, Ell. Time to get the ferry. Good boy. Sh*t.>>完整场景
Charlie One-One:

Shite, someone’s armed the bomb. We don’t have much time. We’ve got to go – now.