
adj. 贵重的;有价值的;可估价的


Um, it's not valuable.
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And that opened the floodgates-- efforts to patent the most valuable parts of life, which is to say the crops on which we depend.
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Roger mcnamee:
Compaq's focus on portability Was the beginning of mobility and mattering To the technology industry, and everything that we do today Is really driven by the ethic that if you Can't do it while you're moving around, it's not very valuable.
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Ned, we're providing a valuable community service.
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These men can learn the value of an honest day's labor while providing a valuable service to the community -- and at a bare minimum of expense to Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer!
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[Jackson] Betty is capable of being a good and valuable servant, but to have her so, she must be ruled with the cowhide.
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[D'Souza] What if the goal of the Democratic Party is to steal the most valuable thing the world has ever produced?
>> 希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script
I appreciate this, Eddie, members of the Board, this will just take a minute of your time. As the custo- dians of the company, you may re- ceive information from what follows that is valuable to you -- (a moment) -- or not. Either way, thanks.SLOANE (O.S.) (speakerphone) We're all ears. Drew enters with Quince, Quince nods, excusing himself, and closes the door behind him.
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