
n. 障碍物,屏障;界线


Which is why you're behind our invisible barrier system, which protects you from things like Dilophosaurus venom.>>完整场景
82OMITTED 83EXTPARK GROUNDSNIGHT The rain has all stopped now. GRANT and LEX are at the bottom of the large barrier leading up to the park road. Like it or not, they're in the park now, and are surrounded by think jungle foliage on all sides. They're both beaten up, and Grant's face is covered in blood.>>完整场景
She wraps her arm around his neck. He scrambles to the edge of the barrier, and starts to climb down.>>完整场景
Grant sees it coming. He grabs one of the dangling fence cables on the other side of the barrier.>>完整场景
The back of the car almost crushes them against the barrier - - GRANT (cont'd) Get back!>>完整场景
Grant and Lex are pushed in front of it, helpless. They scramble around on their knees, trying to keep ahead of the car, which the rex is now pushing even closer to the edge of the barrier.>>完整场景
The T-rex follows his moving arm, eyes locked on the flare. Grant looks over to the wall, and tosses the flare over the edge of the barrier. The rex lunges after it - - Unclear with Grant's plan, Malcolm leaps out of the car and tries to scare up the T-rex's attention with his own newly lit flare.>>完整场景
71ON THE ROAD the T-rex starts to nudge the Explorer toward the barrier. Over the barrier, there is a gentle terraced area at one side where the rex emerged from, but the car isn't next to that, it's next to a sharp precipice, representing a fifty or sixty foot drop.>>完整场景
They watch in horror as the T-rex steps over the ruined barrier and into the middle of the park road. It just stands there for a moment, swinging its head from one vehicle to the other.>>完整场景
What was that all about? - - Grant now turns and watches as, ahead of them, the "DANGER!" sign SMACKS down on the hood of the first Explorer. The entire fence is coming down, the posts collapsing, the cables SNAPPING as - - - - the T-rex chews its way through the barrier.>>完整场景
We're not well-berthed here without a storm barrier! We may have to leave as soon as the last of the works are aboard.>>完整场景
He offers his hand. But instead of taking it, Bertie takes him by the shoulders and gives him a hug. This is a long way from the five pace rule. The last barrier has fallen.>>完整场景
503. In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam, then got over the barrier of barrels.>>完整场景
Senna in the barrier! He's out of the car... Ayrton Senna is out of his car and out of this race.>>完整场景
Early man did not see the oceans as a barrier but rather as a means of communication.>>完整场景
The dry salt in either case will only act as a temporary barrier.>>完整场景
Before some storm or high tide washes him out over the lagoon barrier?>>完整场景
You're welcome. The clock TICKS on. A sense of foreboding falls over Joe's face, his fear that he is passing through some barrier, a point of no return.>>完整场景