
n. 要点;尖端;得分;标点


What is the point of confessing if l don't repent?>>完整场景
At this point Senator Rogers contemptuously walks out of the hearing room.>>完整场景
Michael had checked this point with Hagen, before answering, and then once again after the answer.>>完整场景
(Senator from New York, very smooth, partly liberal, Tammany Hall) Let me agree with that. Many of my constituents are Italian and have been honored with that certain friendship by my close Italian friends. Up to this point before I have to leave this hearing to join my own committee, let me say, that this hearing on the Mafia is in no way a slur on the Italians by the Senate; nor is it meant to be; nor will I allow it to be. Italian Americans are the hardest working, most law abiding patriotic Americans of our country. It is a shame and a pity that a few rotten apples give them a bad name. We are here to weed those rotten apples out of the vast healthy barrel of Italian Americans, who are one of the backbones of our country.>>完整场景
EXT. DON TOMASINO'S VILLA OUTSIDE OF CORLEONE - DAY The villa is bloomed with flowers and DON TOMASINO at this point is a man in his late twenties. He embraces Vitone and pats the heads of his children, and leads them all into the garden.>>完整场景
He understands Michael's point, if the others do not.>>完整场景
The various men look up as Michael eats his cake, wondering what the point of it is.>>完整场景
DON'S KITCHEN (1955) She moves back into the kitchen and begins to prepare the drinks. From her vantage point, as she smilingly makes the drinks, she sees CLEMENZA, NERI and ROCCO LAMPONE enter the house with their BODYGUARDS.>>完整场景
The force is normal to the surface of the object and thus collinear with the radius of curvature for the gripper at that point.>>完整场景
That's a 15 point loss.>>完整场景
That's another five point loss.>>完整场景
That's a five point loss.>>完整场景
At this point, the only question seems to be how fast they'll complete the tasks.>>完整场景
If they fail to do so, then a diver will be forced to do it for them for a five point loss.>>完整场景
We'll hook this into the hull and point a camera at it.>>完整场景
at a point / in a boundary.>>完整场景
That's the point.>>完整场景
Question mark or exclamation point?>>完整场景
I'll look at those at some point.>>完整场景
Henry Ward Beecher: We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started.>>完整场景
What was the point in hammering at the poor child like that?>>完整场景
That's the point.>>完整场景
They all point the same direction.>>完整场景
I have only this Kadri has chosen you and made me do that Since the moment and ran over the feet This place and I know how to command Seoul Not? - No - Count famous women Bzir Well, it would not be desired tonight ! Wait ! Sorry That he Here it is I left her an envelope just Check all the cameras that we are sure we got to the point of ! Oh, my God Well, get out of here this Idiot Not supposed to be here That I go I'm sorry ! Come on, you want to dance Not supposed to be here No This is the only place Which is supposed to be the How did you come here?>>完整场景
That's the point.>>完整场景