
adj. 特别的;非凡的;特派的;离奇的;临时的


the Great Exhibition; Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the 19th century; in Hyde Park; various parts of the world; a great deal of machinery on display;the most wonderful piece of machinery on show; a steam hammer; steam boats;the profits from the exhibition; museums and colleges; it was burnt down in 1936;
>> 80-The Crystal Palace
This was mine. How extraordinary! It looks the same as the last time I saw it.
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29.I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.
>> 马斯克的给企业家的名言警句
INT. FARMHOUSE, HALL - DAY Mia staggers toward the bathroom. Every step takes extraordinary effort.
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To all investors, as you may know, our agreement allows me, to take extraordinary measures when markets aren't functioning properly I currently have reason to believe the mortgage-bond market is fraudulent so, in order to protect investors from this fraudulent market I've decided to restrict investor withdrawals until further notice.
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Oh Christ, Pop. It was so good when you were alive. I felt I could handle anything... EXT. VIEW FROM BOAT - FULL VIEW - DAY A beautiful coastal view of a tropical Caribbean city. An extraordinary view, high buildings, palm trees, all set right on the bay.
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It's an extraordinary honor for me to do so here at West Point, where so many men and women have prepared to stand up for our security and to represent what is finest about our country.
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“I hate a man that talks rude,” he said. “I won’t tolerate it.” With that he turned and rode out of town. The people watching kept quiet. Rough as the place was, accustomed as they all were to sudden death, they felt they had seen something extraordinary, something they would rather not have seen.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I seen him trick her once,” Lippy said, remembering the extraordinary wager he had witnessed. “He offered to cut the cards for a poke and he won. Then he paid her fifty dollars anyway. And he paid me ten not to tell Jake. He didn’t pay me nothing not to tell you, though, Dish,” Lippy added. It occurred to him suddenly that Gus might consider that they had breached their bargain.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Extraordinary circumstances.
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These are, after all- Extraordinary circumstances.
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People do the most extraordinary things.
>> 澳大利亚乱世情 Australia Movie Script
Welcome, ladies, gentlemen... To this extraordinary evening.
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She... She's pretty extraordinary.
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Wes Clark's life is simply an American story, but he will make an extraordinary American president.
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Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary feat’s once they’ve routinized the right habits.
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Oh, forget about that. I want to show you something that's extraordinary.
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KENWRIGHT: I just had the most extraordinary phone chat with my daughter. She told me that she and her friends are all talking about the race, which ended just, a half-hour ago, via their computers. A new website called Facebook. Do you have this in America?
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Something extraordinary.
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396. No extraordinary disorder happens on the orderly border.
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So his appeal there, at a hard time, was extraordinary.
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It's an extraordinary feeling.
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Dr. Nachtigal will assist. He's extraordinary.
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And by undertaking this extraordinary voyage, you are proving?
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He has extraordinary musculature.
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