
adj. 怀孕的;富有意义的


It was. I couldn't have you go away, wherever it is...to war...without knowing something. You think I made a choice, of Danny over you. I didn't. I didn't have a choice. I'm pregnant.>>完整场景
That's 'cause he's Jew. Look at those pregnant lips!>>完整场景
ls she pregnant?>>完整场景
What would you have done if I got pregnant when I was working for you?>>完整场景
All the men were annoyed with Captain Call because he told of Gus’s dying brusquely, got himself a little food and rode away to be alone, as he always did in the evening. His account was pregnant with mysteries, and the men spent all night discussing them. Why had Gus refused to have the other leg amputated, in the face of plain warnings?>>完整场景
“He’ll take you to Ogallala, if you’ll do it,” Fowler said. “You might think about it. He ain’t as bad as some.” “How would you know?” she asked. “You ain’t been married to him.” Fowler shrugged. “He might be your best bet,” he said. “I’m going back downriver next week. A couple of hide haulers are taking a load to Kansas, and they might take you, but it’d be a hard trip. You’d have to smell them stinkin’ hides all the way. Anyway, the hide haulers are rough,” he said. “I think Zwey would treat you all right.” “I don’t want to go to Kansas,” she said. “I been to Kansas.” What ruined that was that she was pregnant, and showing. Some of the saloons weren’t particular, but it was always harder to get work if you were pregnant. Besides, she didn’t want to work, she wanted Dee, who wouldn’t mind that she was pregnant.>>完整场景
The town was not roaring with people, nor was it bright with lights, though a light was on at the Pumphreys’, whose daughter was about to have a baby. The Pumphreys ran a store; the baby their daughter was expecting would arrive in the world to find itself fatherless, since the boy who had married the Pumphrey girl had drowned in the Republican River in the fall of the year, with the girl only just pregnant.>>完整场景
They’re f***ing He shakes out more pills, two more apiece. As they popthem, a very pregnant Naomi descends the stairs, now very pregnant.>>完整场景
138 INT. JORDAN’S ESTATE - MASTER BEDROOM - DAY (SUMMER ‘95) 138 As Naomi looks on, 5 months pregnant, Jordan packs asuitcase.>>完整场景
WINSTON CHURCHILL Is this a `slightly pregnant pause'?>>完整场景
Do you like it, being pregnant?>>完整场景
EXT. TRAILER PARK - DAY Edward kisses his pregnant wife goodbye, as much in love as ever.>>完整场景
As Josephine takes off her rain coat, we see she is very, very pregnant. She listens carefully to Will’s side of theconversation, trying to gauge how bad the news is.>>完整场景
Am l pregnant ? l can't tell, do two lines mean positive ?>>完整场景
l think l'm pregnant. Am l ?>>完整场景
- Why, are you pregnant ?>>完整场景
Your wife is pregnant.>>完整场景
I remember being, um what would the word be frozen when she was pregnant the first time.>>完整场景
I got pregnant.>>完整场景
- Im not sick, Im pregnant.>>完整场景
- Im three months pregnant.>>完整场景
She says that she's feeling ill... and that she's pregnant and he did it.>>完整场景
No, I'm happy! I'm not pregnant!>>完整场景
For not being pregnant!>>完整场景
You said that before, when I got pregnant. "It'll be fine." So you don't trust me now?>>完整场景