
adj. 遥远的;冷漠的;远隔的


distant galaxies
>> 61-Trouble with the Hubble
EXT. RUINED VILLA - DAY Snow. The sound of distant gunfire.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Somewhere, a cat mews. Distant burst of rifle fire.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
INT. LOFT, RUINED VILLA - NIGHT Szpilman wakes suddenly. He listens. Silence but for the distant gunfire. He sees the unopened tin of pickles, stares at it. He opens the trapdoor.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
EXT. STREET LEADING TO GHETTO - NIGHT Freezing cold. The Jewish workers, with their bundles of potatoes and bread, march back towards the ghetto gates escorted by the two Polish policemen. In the column, Szpilman, near the policeman with the moustache, and a little behind them, Majorek. Distant sounds of gunfire.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Distant shots, automatic fire.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Distant sounds of shooting, shouts, cries.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Almost continuous sounds of distant shots and screams.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
No bombs now, just the distant sound of artillery fire.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
A sweating man (40's) watches over Cobb. This is NASH. A distant EXPLOSION rumbles through the room. Nash moves to the window, parts the curtains. Outside: a CHAOTIC DEVELOPING-WORLD CITY- the street filled with RIOTERS- SMASHING, BURNING.
>> 盗梦空间 Inception Movie Script
WE GO INSIDE, and the echoing sound of distant waltz music is heard. The rust fades away from the walls of the dark corridor and it is transformed... WE EMERGE onto the grand staircase, lit by glowing chandelier. The music is vibrant now, and the room is populated by men in tie and tails, women in gowns. It is exquisitely beautiful.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
A very, very distant second... is a Ferrari.
>> 闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script
And beyond those distant hills, who knows what wonderful experiences?
>> Lady and the Tramp 小姐与流氓 1955 Movie Script
A distant cousin of my aunt's nephew, twice removed.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script
EXT. THE EMPEROR'S PALACE - DAY The Emperor looks up at the sound of air raid sirens and distant explosions.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
Rafe and Danny have reaches the more distant P-40's and are revving their engines as they see Joe and Theo's fate. They throw on their radio headsets.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
Seeing the pilots running for the P-40's, the Zeros aim for them; Rafe and Danny race for the most distant of the planes; Joe and Theo run for the closer planes, through the dusty bullet hits.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
He squeezes his eyes shut, and looks again; the planes start bombing the distant hangers.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
EXT. NURSES' QUARTERS - OAHU - DAY Evelyn has stepped to the door when she hears a distant rumble and looks across the harbor to see smoke rising, ships taking hits.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
Another moment goes by and we can hear the distant sound of police sirens. They are clearly coming toward the hospital, getting louder and louder. MICHAEL heaves a sigh of relief.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
BUTTERCUP: still close to the boat, switching from a crawl to a silent breast stroke. The wind dies and as it does, something new is heard. A not-too-distant high-pitched shrieking sound.
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
Several times he thought he glimpsed Indians slipping over a ridge or behind distant yucca, but could never be sure. Soon he felt feverish and began to distrust his own eyesight. In the shining mirages ahead he thought he saw horsemen, who never appeared. Once he thought he saw Deets, and another time Blue Duck. He decided his reason must be going and began to blame Gus for it all. Gus had spent a lifetime trying to get him into situations that confused him, and had finally succeeded.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
July lay awake all night, remembering how it felt to have her take his hand. Her fingers had twined for a moment in his before she let go. It had seemed she needed him, else she wouldn’t have squeezed so. It made him so excited that he couldn’t sleep, yet when he went back upstairs in the morning and stepped into the sickroom, Clara was distant, though it was a fine sunny day and the baby’s fever was down. His breath still rattled, but he was asleep.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
They were happy girls; they laughed often. It pleased Clara to hear them. She wondered if Bob could hear his two lively daughters laughing, as he lay dying. She wondered if it helped, if it made up in any way for her bad tempers and the deaths of the three boys. He had counted so on those boys—they would be his help, boys. Bob had never talked much, but the one thing he did talk about was how much they would get done once the boys got big enough to do their part of the work. Often, just hearing him describe the fences they would build, or the barns, or the cattle they would buy, Clara felt out of sorts—it made her feel very distant from Bob that he saw their boys mainly as hired hands that he wouldn’t have to pay. He sees them different, she thought. For her part, she just liked to have them there. She liked to look at them as they sat around the table, liked to watch them swimming and frolicking in the river, liked to sit by them sometimes when they slept, listening to them breathe. Yet they had died, and both she and Bob lost what they loved—Bob his dreams of future work with his sons, she the immediate pleasure of having sons to look at, to touch, to scold and tease and kiss.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Sitting in the kitchen with the girls and the baby, Lorena felt happy in a way that was new to her. It stirred in her distant memories of the days she had spent in her grandmother’s house in Mobile when she was four. Her grandmother’s house had been like Clara’s—she had gone there only once that she could remember. Her grandmother had put her in a soft bed, the softest she had ever slept in, and sung songs to her while she went to sleep. It was her happiest memory, one she treasured so, that in her years of traveling she grew almost afraid to remember it—someday she might try to remember it and find it gone. She was very afraid of losing her one good, warm memory. If she lost that, she felt she might be too sad to go on.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇