
adj. 遥远的;冷漠的;远隔的


EXT. THE EMPEROR'S PALACE - DAY The Emperor looks up at the sound of air raid sirens and distant explosions.>>完整场景
Rafe and Danny have reaches the more distant P-40's and are revving their engines as they see Joe and Theo's fate. They throw on their radio headsets.>>完整场景
Seeing the pilots running for the P-40's, the Zeros aim for them; Rafe and Danny race for the most distant of the planes; Joe and Theo run for the closer planes, through the dusty bullet hits.>>完整场景
He squeezes his eyes shut, and looks again; the planes start bombing the distant hangers.>>完整场景
EXT. NURSES' QUARTERS - OAHU - DAY Evelyn has stepped to the door when she hears a distant rumble and looks across the harbor to see smoke rising, ships taking hits.>>完整场景
Another moment goes by and we can hear the distant sound of police sirens. They are clearly coming toward the hospital, getting louder and louder. MICHAEL heaves a sigh of relief.>>完整场景
Several times he thought he glimpsed Indians slipping over a ridge or behind distant yucca, but could never be sure. Soon he felt feverish and began to distrust his own eyesight. In the shining mirages ahead he thought he saw horsemen, who never appeared. Once he thought he saw Deets, and another time Blue Duck. He decided his reason must be going and began to blame Gus for it all. Gus had spent a lifetime trying to get him into situations that confused him, and had finally succeeded.>>完整场景
July lay awake all night, remembering how it felt to have her take his hand. Her fingers had twined for a moment in his before she let go. It had seemed she needed him, else she wouldn’t have squeezed so. It made him so excited that he couldn’t sleep, yet when he went back upstairs in the morning and stepped into the sickroom, Clara was distant, though it was a fine sunny day and the baby’s fever was down. His breath still rattled, but he was asleep.>>完整场景
They were happy girls; they laughed often. It pleased Clara to hear them. She wondered if Bob could hear his two lively daughters laughing, as he lay dying. She wondered if it helped, if it made up in any way for her bad tempers and the deaths of the three boys. He had counted so on those boys—they would be his help, boys. Bob had never talked much, but the one thing he did talk about was how much they would get done once the boys got big enough to do their part of the work. Often, just hearing him describe the fences they would build, or the barns, or the cattle they would buy, Clara felt out of sorts—it made her feel very distant from Bob that he saw their boys mainly as hired hands that he wouldn’t have to pay. He sees them different, she thought. For her part, she just liked to have them there. She liked to look at them as they sat around the table, liked to watch them swimming and frolicking in the river, liked to sit by them sometimes when they slept, listening to them breathe. Yet they had died, and both she and Bob lost what they loved—Bob his dreams of future work with his sons, she the immediate pleasure of having sons to look at, to touch, to scold and tease and kiss.>>完整场景
Sitting in the kitchen with the girls and the baby, Lorena felt happy in a way that was new to her. It stirred in her distant memories of the days she had spent in her grandmother’s house in Mobile when she was four. Her grandmother’s house had been like Clara’s—she had gone there only once that she could remember. Her grandmother had put her in a soft bed, the softest she had ever slept in, and sung songs to her while she went to sleep. It was her happiest memory, one she treasured so, that in her years of traveling she grew almost afraid to remember it—someday she might try to remember it and find it gone. She was very afraid of losing her one good, warm memory. If she lost that, she felt she might be too sad to go on.>>完整场景
“I expect they’re just buffalo hunters,” Clara said, watching the distant wagon creep over the brown plains. “You girls won’t learn much from them, unless you’re interested in learning how to spit tobacco.” “I ain’t,” Betsey said.>>完整场景
She went into the tent and lay awake all night while Dish Boggett sat nearby, keeping watch. It seemed to him he had never felt so lonely. The mere fact that she was so close, and yet they were separate, made the loneliness keener. When he had just thrown his blanket down with the boys, he didn’t imagine her so much, and he could sleep. Now she was just a few yards away—he could have crept up to the tent and heard her breathing. And yet it seemed he would never be able to eliminate those few yards. In some way Lorie would always be as distant from him as the Kansas stars. At times he felt that he had almost rather not be in love with her, for it brought him no peace. What was the use of it, if it was only going to be so painful? And yet, she had spoken to him in a friendly voice only that day. He couldn’t give up while there was a chance.>>完整场景
Elmira also watched the distant banks, which were green with the grass of spring. As the river gradually narrowed, she saw many animals: deer, coyote, cattle—but no Indians. She remembered stories heard over the years about women being carried off by Indians; in Kansas she had had such a woman pointed out to her, one who had been rescued and brought back to live with whites again. To her the woman seemed no different from other women, though it was true that she seemed cowed; but then, many women were cowed by events more ordinary. It was hard to see how the Indians could be much worse than the buffalo hunters, two of whom were on board. The sight of them brought back painful memories. They were big men with buffalo-skin coats and long shaggy hair—they looked like the animals they hunted. At night, in her cubbyhole, she would sometimes hear them relieving themselves over the side of the boat; they would stand just beyond the whiskey casks and pour their water into the Arkansas.>>完整场景
At any other time the question would have struck Newt as simple. Either he heard something or he didn’t. But under the press of action and responsibilities, the old certainties dissolved. He did think he heard something, but he couldn’t say what. The sound was so distant and indistinct that he couldn’t even be sure it was a sound. The harder he strained to hear, the more uncertain he felt about what he heard. He would never have suspected that a simple thing like sound could produce such confusion.>>完整场景
They look up to see the distant lights, just now making out full forms...>>完整场景
More silence. Then, out of the fog, a distant voice call out -- GRANT (O.S.) Come on over. One at a time.>>完整场景
The responses quickly MULTIPLY. To the group's dismay, they soon find themselves virtually SURROUNDED by raptor CRIES both distant and near.>>完整场景
Now they moan is ANSWERED from distant jungle quarters.>>完整场景
26 OVER THE DARKNESS 26 we hear Amanda's voice, strangely distant but amplified.>>完整场景
High overhead, Ben and Eric are floating in wonderful, quiet splendor. The motor of the boat now sounds strangely distant.>>完整场景
Jordan watches as the dancing continues, then casuallyglances out a porthole, where WE SEE the distant lightsof a PLANE making its way across the night sky. After a few beats, the plane EXPLODES, a tiny flash of light.>>完整场景
JORDAN (CONT’D) And if anyone here thinks I'm crazy, get the f*** out and get a job at McDonald’s, because that's where you f***ing belong! But before you depart this room full of winners, I want you to take a good look at the person next to you, because one day in the not-so distant future, you'll be sitting at a red light in your beat-up old Pinto, and that person’s gonna pull up in a brand new Porsche, with their gorgeous young wife at their side. And who will you be next to? Some ugly beast with three days of razor-stubble in a sleeveless moo-moo, crammed in next to you with a carload of groceries from the f***ing Price Club!>>完整场景
ELIZABETH: That was a very long time ago. You're stirring with a rather large spoon, Winston. Keep in mind, I'm also a distant relative of Lady Macbeth.>>完整场景
The felling and earth removal are being watched by Churchill and Lang from a distant terrace. In the background a jazz band in white tuxedos syncopates pertly.>>完整场景
Bubbles rise from his nose for a few beats, then stop. It’s quiet, except for the distant SPLASHING of water from the spigot. Edward’s eyes are closed.>>完整场景