
n. 时钟;计时器


INT. AIRCRAFT CARRIER AKAGI - NIGHT Yamamoto's flagship. The clock reaches midnight, and a sailor tears off it's calender. It's December 7, 1941.>>完整场景
DON'S LIVING ROOM (WINTER 1945) The living room is empty, save for PAULIE GATTO sitting on the edge of the sofa. The clock reads: 4:00 a.m.>>完整场景
We're not gonna stop until the clock runs out.>>完整场景
With 15 minutes on the clock, your time starts now.>>完整场景
The boy shrugs and then starts throwing side kicks. Kwan is half looking at the boy and half looking towards the door and the clock. The boy throws three or four kicks and then stops. He is watching Kwan watching the door. Kwan sees him, and turns back to him.>>完整场景
He moves on, studying the room with his eyes, often glancing toward the door, and then toward the small clock on a table near the door. It is late, and Kwan is obviously waiting for someone to arrive. As he is waiting, a young STUDENT comes up to Kwan.>>完整场景
I brought back the key to your clock.>>完整场景
IMPRESSIVE CLERGYMAN (clears his throat, begins to speak) Mawidge...mawidge is what bwings us togewer today... He has an impediment that would stop a clock.>>完整场景
It struck him that he had forgotten emptiness such as existed in the country that stretched around him. After all, for years he had lived within the sound of the piano from the Dry Bean, the sound of the church bell in the little Lonesome Dove church, the sound of Bol whacking the dinner bell. He even slept within the sound of Pea Eye’s snoring, which was as regular as the ticking of a clock.>>完整场景
“He’ll be back this morning,” Call said. “You can set your clock by Deets.” “You might set yours,” Augustus said. “I wouldn’t set mine. Old Deets is human. If he ever run into the right dark- complexioned lady you might have to wind your clock two or three times before he showed up. He’s like me. He knows that some things are more important than work.” Bolivar looked at the water bucket with irritation. “I’d like to shoot this damn bucket full of holes,” he said.>>完整场景
"EXECUTE." At the same time, he presses the start button on his digital stopwatch he holds in his hand. A digital clock on the computer screen starts to tick down from sixty seconds , and a musical clock starts to sound too - - something like the "Jeopardy" theme.>>完整场景
43INTCONTROL ROOMDAY DENNIS NEDRY is busily and surreptitiously typing a series of commands into his console. On his screen, a cartoon hand winds up a cartoon clock, moving its second hand up to the twelve. The clock rotates around to face us.>>完整场景
[Alarm Clock Ringing] Turn your light on, boy.>>完整场景
Hanna gives him a wink, looks at the clock on the giantelectronic stock ticker encircling the room -- 9:30 a.m.>>完整场景
David sets the hand of the room's big clock back by five minutes.>>完整场景
The clock is approaching midnight.>>完整场景
David glares at a clock.>>完整场景
I was testing a new plane, racing it against the clock from Paris to India.>>完整场景
INT. NEW FACEBOOK OFFICES - NIGHT A digital LED clock on the wall tells us it's 4:40AM.>>完整场景
INT. THE APARTMENT - NIGHT MOS -- The clock reads 3:37, and KAFFEE, in sweatpants and a bathrobe, is pacing around slowly with his baseball bat and>>完整场景
lt's not a clock radio we're dealing with, okay?>>完整场景
We took a leave of absence... and killed her off the company clock.>>完整场景
The clock clicks to 20h45 and the radio comes on: Indie rock.>>完整场景
ON SCREEN: LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, USA - 20h44 10 INT. BEDROOM - STEVE’S HOUSE - LAS VEGAS - NIGHT 10 Dark. A large digital alarm clock reads: 20h44 A sleeping body is dimly visible with covers over its head.>>完整场景
45 INT. GREY SEDAN 45 Reese sits motionless in the dark. Waiting. The clock in the dash ticks quietly.>>完整场景