
adv. 今天;现今


EXT. THE BOATHOUSE - DAY Kay closes the door. It seems as though Michael has violated some sort of promise to her by having this man here today.>>完整场景
At any rate, he expects to be introduced around to some of the influential people here today, and generally treated as an ordinary guest. Just go light on him, Mikey, sometimes the biggest crooks don't like to think of themselves as crooks... Michael glances at Hagen, as though that last remark was unnecessary.>>完整场景
This is our son Anthony Vito Corleone. Today he made his First Holy Communion.>>完整场景
I'm sure it's the most generous gift today.>>完整场景
Not to one of our paisans...give it to a Jew Congressman in another district. Who else is on the list for today?>>完整场景
You've got to help us today!>>完整场景
Gathered here today are some of the best and brightest from 32 schools and 17states!>>完整场景
But remember, this is gonna be harder than anything you guys are gonna ask for today.>>完整场景
A reminder that academic clubs begin today after school.>>完整场景
Hey, how much you got for me today?>>完整场景
I know. It's... it's gonna be on the website later today and in the magazine next month.>>完整场景
I'm not receiving any visitors today.>>完整场景
Steve Maraboli:
The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.>>完整场景
-And today it's a true story.>>完整场景
They were all at the party today, -except you.>>完整场景
School's over for today.>>完整场景
-For you. Stop. No work today.>>完整场景
Stop, no more work today.>>完整场景
On behalf of the coalition forces, I wanna apologize to you for the loss you've suffered here today.>>完整场景
But, uh, there were some very interesting people there today.>>完整场景
General, I thought it went very well at the cole Militaire today.>>完整场景
The artist who painted this painting is at the museum today!>>完整场景
Finally today tech company Cachet is back in the spotlight with another surge in share price this week, as the stock continues to rally following a disappointing IPO.>>完整场景
Shares of the privacy company Cachet begin trading today.>>完整场景
But there's nothing secret about what brings us all together today.>>完整场景