
n. 证据;证词,证言


Corleone, you have been advised as to your legal rights. We have had testimony from a preceding witness who states you are head of the most powerful Mafia family in this country. Are you?>>完整场景
In dramatic testimony, Yvonne Biasi was depicted - - as a gold-digging nymphomaniac.>>完整场景
Sll of this is based on what? Testimony of a criminal?>>完整场景
Today, the Committee will hear testimony on the Chinese economy and the risk it may pose to the United States.>>完整场景
Why don't we stretch our legs a minute, can we do that? It's been almost three hours and frankly you did spend an awful lot of time embarrassing Mr. Zuckerberg with the girl's testimony in the bar.>>完整场景
Your Honor, these men weren't on the list. Rebuttal witnesses, Your Honor, called specifically to refute testimony offered under direct examination.>>完整场景
Colonel, do you solemnly swear that the testimony you will give in this General Court-Martial will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?>>完整场景
That and Downey's testimony really oughta be enough.>>完整场景
(beat) We'll keep doing what we're doing, and we'll put on a show, but at the end of the day, all we have is the testimony of two people accused of murder.>>完整场景
Your Honor, we re-new our objection to Commander Stone's testimony, and ask that it be stricken from the record. And we further ask that the Court instruct the jury to lend no weight to this witness's testimony.>>完整场景
Kaffee is planning to mount, the explicit instructions of the platoon leader seems particularly relevant testimony.>>完整场景
DISSOLVE TO: INT. KAFFEE'S APARTMENT - SERIES OF SCENES The scenes cover the three weeks of preparation leading up to the trial, and are interspersed with shots of Kaffee's apartment getting messier, KAFFEE, JO and SAM flipping through documents and reference books, writing on the blackboard, dozzing off... We start with INT. KAFFEE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Jo's on the phone, KAFFEE and SAM are going over testimony, with SAM sitting in a mock witness chair. During this, KAFFEE will go to the door, pay the PIZZA Man for the pizza, and return without missing a single beat.>>完整场景
699. The wrestler's testimony manifests that he has large estates.>>完整场景
He had money problems with the dead man CHO Dong-chul and we have testimony from the witness who saw the murder.>>完整场景
GORDON (V.O.) I've transcribed testimony from one Trey O'NEIL, appendix 17, describing the officer Jonathan CRAMDEN as an enforcer for East End drug dealers.>>完整场景
It wouldn't matter. With Tommy's testimony, I can get a new trial.>>完整场景
You recall Lt. Mincher's testimony?>>完整场景
(refers to his notes) I'll see you in Hell before I see you in Reno. Those were the words you used, Mr. Dufresne, according to the testimony of your neighbors.>>完整场景
Does that make his testimony more or less true?>>完整场景
As certain of that as you are of the testimony you've just given?>>完整场景
Objection! The doctor cannot be asked to recall all of his testimony at those trials. It's absurd.>>完整场景
There was this boy I sent to the gas chamber at Huntsville here a while back. My arrest and my testimony. He killed a fourteen-year-old girl.>>完整场景
My testimony would be that your brother let me in.>>完整场景
INT. QUESTURA POLICIA -- INTERROGATION ROOM -- NIGHT Paul makes his official testimony to Del Rovere.>>完整场景
One final question, Signora. About your testimony earlier. Why did youthink the kidnapping was a joke?>>完整场景