n. 合作,协作;协力
- I appreciate your nice cooperation and understanding.>> 15. Seeing the Group Off
- It is further recommended that Mr. George Willis, Jr.... receive neither recognition nor commendation... for his cooperation.>> 闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script
- (reading) In the hopes of clearing my family name, in the sincere desire to give my children their fair share of the American way of life without a blemish on their name and background I have appeared before this committee and given it all the cooperation in my power. I consider my being called before this committee an act of prejudice to all Americans of Italian extraction.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- Sir, my client has answered every question asked by this committee with the utmost cooperation and sincerity. He has not taken that Fifth Amendment as it was his right to do, and which because of the extreme legal complexity of this hearing, counsel advised him to do.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- JORDAN (V.O.) * I gave up everyone, and in return * got three years in some hellhole * in Nevada I’d never even heard of. * Like Mad Max’d said, the * chickens’d come home to roost. * Whatever the f*** that means. * 236 INT. FEDERAL COURTROOM - QUEENS - DAY (MAR ‘99) *236 Sentencing. Jordan’s mother is there, tears in her eyes. * NOLAN DRAGER * I hope your Honor would agree that * Mr. Belfort has distinguished * himself in terms of his * cooperation in this white collar * fraud. Mr. Belfort has helped the * government win convictions over * two dozen serious offenders and * helped them recover millions of * dollars to be made available for * restitution to the victims. * HON. RAYMOND SAMITZ * The sentence of the court shall be * 48 months in Federal Prison. * (pause) * Please remand the defendant. * Max rolls his eyes: Jordan’s so guilty it hurts. As * Jordan is led away by GUARDS... * 236A INT. STRATTON OAKMONT - DAY *236A Donnie sits in his office, hears something -- a small * army of FBI AGENTS, led by Agents Denham and Hughes, * arrest half the office: Sea Otter, Robbie, Kimmie, etc.. * As the FBI cleans house, Donnie sits on his couch. * 237 SCENES 237 - 244 OMITTED *237 245 INT. SUBWAY - DAY (MAR ‘99) 245 CLOSE ON DENHAM, reading a New York Times article onJordan’s sentencing. He looks satisfied with his accomplishment, until he looks up and realizes he’s right where Jordan said he’d be: commuting home on the subway, like any other piker.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- * * * * * * * 230D SCENES 230D - 230E OMITTED 230D* 230F INT. U.S. ATTORNEY’S OFFICE - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY 230F* OFF A “COOPERATION AGREEMENT,” we find -* -- Nolan Drager, Lucas Solomon, Rochelle Applebaum andAgent Denham all back at the conference table, readingcopies of the same contract. Lucas does so aloud: LUCAS SOLOMON: Paragraph 2. The defendant shall provide information regarding allcriminal activities of the defendant and others from June 1st, 1990, onwards. Paragraph 3.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- LUCAS SOLOMON * We want your cooperation in --* AGENT DENHAM * Yes. We want you to rat. * 227 SCENES 227 - 229 OMITTED 227 230 INT. JORDAN’S ESTATE - MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT (SEP ‘98) 230 JORDAN * How was Christy’s party? * NAOMI * It was fine. * The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 126.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- ROCHELLE APPLEBAUM * You’re looking at real prison * time. Money laundering gets you * as much as 20 years. Case * couldn’t be stronger if we’d have * caught you with your cash in your * mattress. * Solomon pushes a box full of evidence across the table. * Jordan eyeballs Denham. * LUCAS SOLOMON * Read the discovery. * JORDAN * That your life’s work in the box? * AGENT DENHAM * Jordan, you rotting in jail til * your kids’re outta college isn’t * our ambition here. You weren’t * the only one involved in all this. * We think those folks deserve their * day in court too. * NOLAN DRAGER * Why do I get the sense there’s an offer in the air? If so, let’s * put it on the table. * LUCAS SOLOMON: Full cooperation. A comprehensive list of all coconspirators spanning the last seven years and he agrees to wear a wire.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- What's needed is cooperation... Hearing his own voice reverberate through the cavernous factory brings Bertie's stutter back in full form.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- 338. The rational operator started a new era of opera cooperation in AD 2000.>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
- STRIKER (v.o.) My working with them seemed to reinforce our objectives of group cooperation and controlled-competitive activity.>> 飞机 Airplane! Movie Script
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- Thanks for your cooperation.>> 训练日 Training Day Movie Script
- Tell us where you are. We'll make a deal in exchange for your cooperation.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
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- The Treasury Department asked my cooperation in his undercover investigation of John Bontecou. They were convinced that Bontecou, on past deals, had structured his mergers and acquisitions in sus- picious and complicated ways so as to evade paying the taxes he is liable for. The IRS wanted to go after him, and this deal offered them the opportunity. (a moment) I agreed to cooperate.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script