
n. 典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼


There's no need to stand on ceremony, no call to impress anyone.>>完整场景
Captain Norrington's promotion ceremony.>>完整场景
The ceremony?>>完整场景
Actually... I had hoped you might wear it for the ceremony today.>>完整场景
We see the ceremony at the White House, as Roosevelt presents Doolittle with the metal.>>完整场景
Not to see you disguised by your church. That was a shameful ceremony.>>完整场景
l hope you will come to this ceremony ofPapal honours, given for my charitable work.>>完整场景
EXT. THE STREET PROCESSION - MOVING VIEW - NIGHT The Priest, having completed the ceremony, follows as the Monstrance is carried off through the streets, as the Choir sings.>>完整场景
EXT. FESTA STREETS - MOVING VIEW ON FANUCCI - NIGHT walking through the crowded streets. The statue of San Gennaro is arranged in some midnight religious ceremony.>>完整场景
The Justice goes through the bored, simple ceremony, and we begin to HEAR an echo of the waltz Connie danced with her father, when she was married all those years ago in Long Island.>>完整场景
We present the entire bridal procession and ceremony with all the ritual and pageantry, as it has always been, in Sicily.>>完整场景
MICHAEL (O.S.) We'll have a quiet, civil ceremony at the City Hall, no big fuss, no family, just a couple of friends as witnesses.>>完整场景
There are a few missing from their ranks, monks who did not make it through the chamber, but the majority of them are there. The entire temple is gathered to watch the ceremony.>>完整场景
If he doesn't go through ceremony, he'll have no country.>>完整场景
85 INT. ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY'S SCREENING ROOM - NEW DAY 85 On the screen: archive footage of the Coronation, capturing the pomp and ceremony. Cigar smoke rises up. The voices of Churchill and Lang can be heard.>>完整场景
COSMO LANG: Unless of course you'd prefer a quiet ceremony?>>完整场景
Or no ceremony at all?>>完整场景
WINSTON CHURCHILL What do you propose? Shorten the ceremony?>>完整场景
EXT. AWARD CEREMONY - DAY CAMERON and TYLER are standing with their coaches and next to the two DUTCH CREWMEN who are with their coaches. They're on a stand in the Steward's Enclosure, a sprawling and glamorous tented area for the exclusive use of members and their guests.>>完整场景
Let's start the ceremony.>>完整场景
After the ceremony, the surviving team... saw the coffins of their fallen comrades... loaded onto an airplane to bring them home together.>>完整场景
370. The alarm harmed the charming harmony of the ceremony.>>完整场景
The ceremony was beautiful... and our wedding reception small but lovely.>>完整场景
Reese watches this incomprehensible ceremony skeptically.>>完整场景
-May I attend the ceremony?>>完整场景