
n. 房间;空间;机会;余地


Some nurses and attendants speak to the nurse in the room in Spanish; one has brought a small bottle of wine, and obviously they are inviting the nurse to have a New Year's toast with them. They laugh; and the nurse steps away from the room for a moment.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
VIEW ON BUSSETTA hears footsteps, quickly steps away from the door, and into another room.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
A nurse sits in the room in attendance; Hyman Roth is asleep, his mouth wide open, breathing noisily.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
Bussetta watches from the distance of the hallway; after the old man has been moved, he quietly walks down the hallway to the room.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
INT. THE HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - FULL VIEW - NIGHT The activity at the end of the hall has come to rest; we can tell that the doctor tells Mrs. Roth that she should go, the old man will be taken to a room where he can rest.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
In the back of the room, we notice the detachment of military moving quickly through the reception room on their way to the President's private quarters. Michael notices it as well.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
INT. 'SUPERMAN SHOW' - MED. VIEW - NIGHT A large room with a succession of platforms arranged step- like around a circular area which becomes a stage.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
Mikey, why would they ever hit poor old Frankie Five-Angels? I loved that ole sonuvabitch. I remember when he was just a 'button,' when we were kids. We used to put bedsheets on our heads, you know, like we were ghosts. An' ole Frankie come peek into our room, we'd jump up, and he'd always pretend like he was really scared.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
MED. VIEW At a large round table, located in an obvious VIP section of the high, tropically draped room with living ferns and other tropical planting with artificial stars.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
I'd like to come along. There's been a lot of strain, and I've been cooped up in this room for three days.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
He undoes the combination of the briefcase starts taking out cash. Then he stops, remembering that there's a stranger in the room.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
Ola leads the Courier to the adjoining room where two smartly dressed Military (Cuban) Police are standing, and a civilian. The Courier sees them, looks back to Ola. One of the police steps forward, placing the Courier under arrest; handcuffing him.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
INT. SMALL ROOM - NEW ENGLAND HOUSE - MED. VIEW - DAY Out to the yard, where we can see glimpses of little Anthony playing by himself.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
He moves through the house more quickly; into the dining and recreation room areas. A cat jumps off a pile of cushions and runs across the room.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
He steps in, the beautiful summer living room is neat, but empty.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
Neri nods, and the accountant continues. Neri opens a door, allowing a sandy-haired man, a COURIER, into the room. The cream is placed into his pouch personally by Neri.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
INT. COUNTING ROOM - MED. VIEW - DAY The guards leave the room; the door is locked after them, leaving only Hagen. Neri and an ACCOUNTANT, a very fat man.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
The cart, preceded and followed by security guards, is then wheeled through the casino, into a private, counting room.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
When I was older, I learned many things from him here. I was happy that this house never went to strangers; first Clemenza took it over, and then you. My father taught me, in this room, never to act until you know everything that's behind things. Never. If Hyman Roth sees that I interceded with you in the Rosato Brothers' favor, he'll think his relationship with me is still sound. I'm going somewhere to meet him tomorrow. We have friends in some very important business that we're making. Do this for me; you make the peace with the Rosato Brothers on their terms. Let the word out that I forced you; you're not happy wit hit, but acquiesced, just because of me. It will get back to Hyman Roth. Do this, Frankie. You can trust me.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
(furious) In my home! In the same room where my wife was sleeping; where my children come in their pajamas, and play with their toys.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
INT. PENTANGELI'S STUDY - DAY Michael stands quietly in the room. This was once his father's study, although it is totally redecorated.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
Nearby, on the other side of the room is Rosato's brother, TONY, seated with a group of their men.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
INT. THE BOATHOUSE - EMPTY VIEW - NIGHT Michael alone in the great room. He moves to a walk-in safe, quickly runs through the combination, and opens it.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
INT. MICHAEL'S HOUSE - NIGHT Kay, the children, and some women servants have come down from the various rooms into the central living area, that can be most easily secured. The little girl is still asleep; they make you think of an immigrant family, with their blankets and frightened faces, all waiting in a central room.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
His eyes dart back to the curved, beautifully leaded windows of the room. The DRAPES are opened. Then, without a second's hesitation, he leaps to the floor, still holding his son's drawing, as a spray of machine gun bullets sweep across the windows; glass shattering all over the room.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script