
n. 面积;区域,地区;范围


The Games will be held just outside the capital and the whole area will be called 'Olympic City'.
>> 37-The Olympic Games
INT. ATTIC AND LOFT AREA, RUINED VILLA - DAY Szpilman, listening and shivering with cold. He hears the whistle. He opens the trapdoor to see the German Captain in the attic, carrying a package.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
INT. ATTIC AND LOFT AREA, RUINED VILLA - NIGHT Szpilman and the German Captain enter.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
(in whisper) You're in a very German area. The building opposite is a hospital, taking in wounded from the Russian front. Next door is the Schutzpolizei. It's the safest place to be. Right in the centre of the lion's den.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
This is totally insane; why do we have to have a gentile street running through our area? Can't they go around?
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
EXT. MARKET AREA, GHETTO - DAY Winter. Cold, freezing day. Slush underfoot. Great activity.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
EXT. STREET LEADING TO GHETTO - DAY AUTUMN A great column of Jews of all ages make their way towards the area that will become the ghetto. On foot, on bicycles, on horse-drawn platforms, some pushing prams loaded with belongings. A great moving mass of humanity.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
There will be created a Jewish District in which all Jews living in Warsaw or moving to Warsaw will have to reside." And look here: 'Jews living outside of the prescribed area will have to move to the Jewish district by 31st of October 1940.' Szpilman gazes at the map, horrified.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
You go into the area alone. The lions are hungry for you.
>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
We're looking for the area in the first quadrant bounded by the curve.
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
The officer steers her toward a holding area for processing. Rose walks forward with the dazed immigrants. The BOOM! of photographer's magnesium flashes cause them to flinch, and the glare is blinding. There is a sudden disturbance near her as two men burst through the cordon, running to embrace an older woman along the survivors, who cries out with joy. The reporters converge on this emotional scene, and flashes explode.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
246 Collapsible A is hit by a wave as the bow plunges suddenly. It partially swamps the boat, washing it along the deck. Over a hundred passengers are plunged into the freezing water and the area around the boat becomes a frenzy of splashing, screaming people.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
It slants down into the water, still ablaze with light. Nothing is above water forward of the bridge except for the foremast. Another rocket goes off, lighting up the entire area... there are a dozen boats moving outward from the ship.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
195 IN BOAT SIX, Ruth looks back at the Titanic, transfixed by the sight of the dying liner. The bowsprit is now barely above the waterline. Another of Boxhall's rockets EXPLODES overhead. K-BOOM! It lights up the whole area, and we see half a dozen boats in the water, spreading out from the ship.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
24 INT. LAB DECK, PRESERVATION AREA Rose looks at the drawing in its tray of water, confronting herself across a span of 84 years. Until they can figure out the best way to preserve it, they have to keep it immersed. It sways and ripples, almost as if alive.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
50. Whatever you do, whatever area that you get into, even if you’re the best of the best, there’s always a chance of failure. So I think it’s important that you really like whatever you’re doing. If you don’t like it, life’s too short. If you like what you’re doing, you think about it even when you’re not working. It’s something that your mind is drawn to, and if you don’t like it, you just can’t make it work.
>> 马斯克的给企业家的名言警句
In the morning, the area will be returned to sitting-room mode... no later than What was that ?
>> 闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script
You have more area of active brain use than anybody ever tested, ever, b-because of those tentacles.
>> 不一样的本能 Phenomenon (1996)Movie Script
You've got friends. You know everyone in the whole area code.
>> 不一样的本能 Phenomenon (1996)Movie Script
[Cut to Tony in what seems to be a lab area and he is looking for the tesseract]
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
Right. The whole time travel do-over? Guys, it's outside my area of expertise.
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
[Both dad and daughter share a hug once more.] [The camera cuts to a sunset in San Francisco, showing a metal face with a sign saying in its headings, "RESTRICTED AREA, DO NOT ENTER" with the subtext, "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY BEYOND THIS POINT, SECURITY ID OR ESCORT REQUIRED", then cuts to a scene inside the New Avengers facility, someone cutting the two bread with peanut butter filling into a couple of triangles, as someone else was speaking. The camera pans up to Romanoff, now having red, long hair, over-colouring her blonde streaks, hearing Rocket Raccoon out about his status so far.]
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
[Rocket Raccoon sits down with Nebula and takes her hand, both silently mourning their losses. In the Avengers Compound. The heroes are sitting in a living room area. Tony is sitting at a table, getting blood for healing. A holographic casualty report lists the names and faces of those lost to the Decimation.]
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
- [Narrator] Searching for a passage to the third deck, the team steers the ROV forward, closer to the blast area where the wreckage is torn open, in hope to find a way down to the third deck.
>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script
- [Narrator] This area, known as officer's country, was not impacted by the blast.
>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script