
n. 钱;货币;财富


The money comes from his own family and will be administered by the Vatican.>>完整场景
lf money was lost then l am to blame.>>完整场景
Friendship and money... Oil and water... lndeed.>>完整场景
We control a lot of money with little.>>完整场景
Let's hope that the money gets to the people who need it.>>完整场景
More than all the money and power on earth.>>完整场景
He did. He gave her money and made her give up the kids. Then Frankie took them to Italy, and had them brought up by his brother Vincenzo.>>完整场景
Then abruptly, he puts the roll of money on Vito's table, and steps back a respectful distance.>>完整场景
Without a word more, Vito leaves a hypnotized Roberto standing in front of the tenement, his hand clasping the money.>>完整场景
(he puts the money in Roberto's hand) Do me this little favor, just take it and think carefully. Tomorrow morning if you want to give me the money back, by all means do so. If you want the woman out of your house, how can I stop you? It's your property, after all. If you don't want the dog in there, I can understand. I dislike dogs myself.>>完整场景
One never knows when one might need a friend, isn't that true? Here, take this money as a sign of my good-will, and make your own decision. I won't quarrel with it.>>完整场景
The friend of my wife, a poor widow with no man to protect her, tells me that for some reason she has been ordered to move from your building. She is in despair. She has no money, she has no friends except those that live here.>>完整场景
(thoughtfully) I can give you some money to help you move, is that what you want?>>完整场景
EXT. THE PRIVATE AIRPORT - NIGHT Things are no different at the airport; where anything that can fly is being jammed with refugees and their money.>>完整场景
Sometimes the joyous Cubans will let a family through, but again, taking away the suitcases, rich leather, filled with money and valuables. Money seems to be stuffed everywhere.>>完整场景
EXT. GARISH HAVANA STREET - NIGHT The street is lit with tons of neon signs; it is alive with people; some roving bands of musicians. Everywhere are little boys running around, begging for money. And in doorways and windows are silent, dark-skinned women.>>完整场景
Okay. You know he doesn't have that kind of money.>>完整场景
My sixth sense tells me you have a bag full of money in your hand.>>完整场景
The other takes the packet of money, and hands it to the civilian, who places it in the briefcase he carries. The other officer kneels down and fastens leg manacles.>>完整场景
His brother Sam is present, and the sandy-haired Courier, a little nervous; the one who had left from the Tropicana with the Corleone skim-money. Also Johnny Ola. The money is evidently all there; Roth picks up a packet; probably a hundred thousand dollars, and throws it over to the Courier.>>完整场景
The money was sent.>>完整场景
I went over and bought a paper... Neri has finished putting the 'creamed' money into the pouch.>>完整场景
The accountant begins with amazing speed and skill, to count and divide the money.>>完整场景
INT. TROPICANA HOTEL - CLOSE VIEW - DAY The money trays are carefully unloaded from the gaming tables, and put on a cart with others.>>完整场景
(he shakes his head) It was my understanding we left all that behind. But, let me tell you, the important thing is that you're all right. Good health is the most important thing; more than success; more than power; more than money.>>完整场景