
prep. 在,存在;是


By what name do you wish to be called?>>完整场景
l loved my father. l swore l would never be a man like him, but l loved him and he was in danger.>>完整场景
''There will be no forgiveness!'' Her father stabbed her through the heart.>>完整场景
- Tell your father l'll be back for dinner.>>完整场景
Your life could be redeemed, but l know that you don't believe that.>>完整场景
And l ordered men to be killed.>>完整场景
lf what you say is true, there will be a great scandal.>>完整场景
Blessed is the peacemaker, for he can be called the child of God.>>完整场景
Let me be your friend.>>完整场景
l'll be learning a lot from you.>>完整场景
l would be indebted to you forever.>>完整场景
Michael... Let me see what can be done.>>完整场景
Everybody says he's going to be better.>>完整场景
- Don't be.>>完整场景
- About Palermo? l hope you'll be there.>>完整场景
- Everything's going to be all right.>>完整场景
l will be there. l won't miss that.>>完整场景
- When l'm dead, l'll be really smart.>>完整场景
Everything would be out in the open if Corleone dies.>>完整场景
- Can we wait here? We'll be back soon.>>完整场景
Joey Zasa... He can't be doing this alone.>>完整场景
Where should they be now?>>完整场景
This meeting was to be merely a formality.>>完整场景
According to the Lateran Treaty, the Vatican vote must be ratified here.>>完整场景
lmmobiliare must be legitimate.>>完整场景