
n. 安慰;舒适;安慰者


She stares into the distance. He stands and puts his hand on top of hers, as much for his comfort as for hers.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
A swimming suit or swimming costume is a piece of clothing designed to be worn while swimming. It covers a person's body and reduces friction while swimming. Most swimsuits are designed to cover the body from the shoulder to the groin and extend below the waist One-pieces. Swimsuits are often made of spandex or polyester. Polyester suits are more durable and offer better UV protection than other materials. Lycra suits provide better Fit, Support, and Comfort than other materials.
>> 2024-03 double-sided
...and right into your homes, where on Christmas Eve everyone should find comfort and... Am l swollen?
>> 1900 Movie Script
ANGLE ON DREW SITTING IN THE RAIN He is miserable, and he is looking at the relative comfort of the stands around the temple, where there is food, warmth and light. His spirit is wavering.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
In his weariness, he even forgot for a time that Gus had been left in the little cave. Several times he spoke to Gus as he stumbled along—mainly asking directions. For a time he felt Gus was just ahead, leading the way. Or was it Deets? Pea Eye felt confused. Whoever it was wouldn’t speak to him, and yet he continued to ask questions. He took comfort in thinking Gus or Deets was there. They were the best scouts. They would lead him in.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
From the way the ground shook he knew the cattle were running. Mouse soon stopped bucking and ran too. When Newt risked a glimpse, all he saw was millions of fluttering bugs. Even as he raced they clung to his shirt. When he tried to change his reins from one hand to another he closed his hand on several grasshoppers and almost dropped his rein. It would have been a comfort if he could have seen at least one cowboy, but he couldn’t. In that regard, running through a bug cloud wasn’t much different than running in rain: he was alone and miserable, not knowing what his fate might be.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
While he rested, a big badger walked up to the spring and July shot him with his pistol. He had never eaten badger, but he ate this one and drank the spring water. Even better than food were the trees. Being in the shade again eased his spirit a little. He could look across the hot prairies for miles, from the comfort of his shade. The sun couldn’t parch him while he was under the trees.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Roscoe felt bothered by the fact that there were no more trees. All his life he had lived amid trees and had given little thought to what a comfort they were. Trees had been so common that it was a shock to ride out on the plains and discover that there was a part of earth where there weren’t any. Occasionally they might see a few along the rivers, but not many, and those were more bushes than trees. You couldn’t lean against them, which was a thing he liked to do. He had got so he could even sleep pretty well leaning against a tree.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Before he could draw much comfort from that line of speculation he heard his own gun go off. A second or two later it went off again, and then again. The sound came from just north of the gully. As he could not be any wetter, and could not stand the suspense of not knowing what was going on, he waded the little creek and climbed the bank, only to look and see the barrels of a shotgun not a yard from his face. The ox of a man held the shotgun; in his big hands it looked tiny, though the barrels in Roscoe’s face seemed as big as cannons.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
For a second he took a sleepy comfort from that reflection, but a second later it ceased to be true. Louisa stuck one of her wet feet under the blanket and kicked it off. Roscoe was so anchored in sleep he still couldn’t react. Then, to his extreme astonishment, Louisa squatted right atop his middle and reached into his long johns and took hold of his tool. Nothing like that had ever happened to him, and he was stunned, though his tool wasn’t. While the rest of him had been heavy with sleep, it had become heavy with itself.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Evening took a long time getting to Lonesome Dove, but when it came it was a comfort. For most of the hours of the day—and most of the months of the year—the sun had the town trapped deep in dust, far out in the chaparral flats, a heaven for snakes and horned toads, roadrunners and stinging lizards, but a hell for pigs and Tennesseans. There was not even a respectable shade tree within twenty or thirty miles; in fact, the actual location of the nearest decent shade was a matter of vigorous debate in the offices—if you wanted to call a roofless barn and a couple of patched-up corrals offices—of the Hat Creek Cattle Company, half of which Augustus owned.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
She tries to calm herself, but each effort to suppress just makes her more emotional. She's surprised as Paul wraps an arm around her to comfort her. But she doesn't fight it.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
World class begins where your comfort zone ends.
>> 2023-12 Pasta Problem
It would comfort me very much to know for sure, but instead, I choose to believe he is up there.
>> 小王子 2015 The Little Prince Movie Script
- And that should give me comfort?
>> 豪勇七蛟龙 The Magnificent Seven Movie Script
God rest ye merry gentlemen Let nothing you dismay Remember Christ our Saviour Was born on Christmas Day To save us all from Satan's power When we were gone astray O tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy Of tidings of comfort and joy All right, let's sing ''O Come All Ye Faithful'' in Latin.
>> 莫负当年情 Beaches Movie Script
Reese looks up and finally catches her gaze. He reaches out for her hand and it seems he may be taking it to comfort her.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
Be it their comfort we are coming thither.
>> Macbeth Movie Script
I've been taught to pIace needs ahead of conscience comfort ahead of principIe.
>> 伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script
(audience booing) It's good to have some comfort today, I really miss this.
>> 带刀的辣妹 Babes with Blades Movie Script
But this was worse than any pile we'd seen, turkeys who'd never spent a night outdoors panicked by thunder, lightning, and rain in sheets. All we could do is pull them out of the pile and throw them away from it. They would run back, still seeking the comfort of the group.
>> Poultry Slam 1995 家禽
96.I find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love comfort. They are not anxious socialclimbers, and they have no devotion to material things.
>> 托福100个句子积累7000个单词
You know, the hog, they don't really have to worry about their comfort because they're temporary.
>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script
It's late. I'm going home. I hope you can find some comfort in this, Bruce. Sleep well.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script

Here we see the California casual. Delightful and comfortable. -With this, you can run your errands... -(CAMERA CLICKING) ...and still look like a lady on the go. Here we see the elegant gray, which is not just for winter anymore. -Beautifully cut... -(CAMERA CLICKING) ...totally comfortable, she looks so lovely. Our next model comes to the stage bringing a little flash and glitter. And here we see midnight blue, -suitable for any formal occasion... -(CAMERA CLICKING) ...while allowing for comfort at the same time. A beautiful two-piece ensemble, in beautiful midnight blue, -with sparkle and bling to match her beauty. -(CAMERAS CLICKING) (ALL GASP) (WOMAN ANNOUNCING INDISTINCTLY OVER PA) She's gonna be okay. Boy, I wish I knew a prayer right about now. Do you know any? No, I'm afraid I don't. But don't Judy and you go to church? I just go for the singing and she goes to see all of her friends. I sleep through a lot of the praying part. -You can go in now. -Oh, thank you. You go ahead.
>> A Country Called Home Movie Script