
n. 存储;仓库;贮藏所


Constructed over six decks, the Arizona was a labyrinth of compartments, crew quarters, storage rooms, boiler rooms, powder magazines, and dozens of fuel compartments.>>完整场景
- Don't forget about ephemeral storage.>>完整场景
They walk off, and just as they round a corner, a BANG is heard as one of the monks drops the heavy wooden lid of a storage barrell. Drew jumps, spinning around in the direction of the sound.>>完整场景
It's in storage just around the corner.>>完整场景
Feeling that it was pointless, but acting from force of habit, they pulled the two stuck heifers from the Milk River mud.IN MILES CITY, Call found that the storage of Augustus’s remains had been bungled. Something had broken into the shed and knocked the coffin off the barrels. In the doctor’s opinion it had probably been a wolverine, or possibly a cougar. The coffin had splintered and the varmint had run off with the amputated leg. The mistake wasn’t discovered until after a blizzard had passed through, so of course the leg had not been recovered.>>完整场景
49INTFERTILIZATION LABNIGHT DENNIS NEDRY, waits outside the silver door marked "EMBRYONIC COLD STORAGE," staring at the digital stopwatch in his hand.>>完整场景
ACROSS THE ROOM: DENNIS NEDRY sneaks a peek at the video monitor. It shows an image of the steel door, plainly marked - - "EMBRYONIC COLD STORAGE.>>完整场景
JORDAN (V.O.) After fifteen years in storage, the Lemmons had developed a delayed fuse.>>完整场景
It was called Love Box Self Storage.>>完整场景
INT. BASEMENT STORAGE AREA - DAY Perched awkwardly on a canoe, Will’s made it through another file cabinet. He goes through the folders page by page, but usually ends up tossing the whole thing in the trash.>>完整场景
INT. BASEMENT STORAGE AREA - DAY [LATER] Will, Sandra and Josephine have worked through two trash bagsof papers to throw out. Looking through a new file, Sandramakes a small sound. A memory.>>完整场景
INT. BASEMENT STORAGE AREA - DAY The doors open to reveal Sandra, Will and Josephine, staringinto the mouth of oblivion. The storeroom is a museum of hasty decisions and half-finished projects: partially builtoutboard motors, dead bonsai trees, Frankensteinianlawnmowers. We also find boxes of products Edward used tosell.>>完整场景
421. After an explosion the explorer restored the storage of the explosive in the exploiter's storehouse.>>完整场景
RECEPTIONIST: Yes, Mr. Marco. Shall we put your things in storage until you return?>>完整场景
LIKE A JUGGERNAUT the truck follows, smashing through parked cars and FLATTENING A PRE-FAB STORAGE BUILDING.>>完整场景
244 EXT. INDUSTRIAL SITE - NIGHT 244 Sarah and Kyle scramble up and run across the STORAGE LOT of a MODERN FACTORY COMPLEX of LOW BUILDINGS. Kyle struggles to keep up, holding the satchel.>>完整场景
64.The application of electronic controls made possible by the microprocessor and computer storage have multiplied the uses of the modern typewriter.>>完整场景
Yes, we need the keys for the storage room.>>完整场景
After the storage, overtime at the office.>>完整场景
What cavalry?! SMASH!!! The Protagonist and Kat are THROWN LIKE RAG DOLLS across the car – the Mercedes has SWIPED the nose of the Audi – Volkov lays down COVER FIRE, pinning Neil as Sator’s men descend on the CRASHED Audi and pull the PROTAGONIST out of the car – shoving him around the back of the Mercedes. Kat is pulled from the wreck and put into the Mercedes – As they put the Protagonist INTO THE TRUNK, he sees Sator MOVING BACKWARDS behind the line of cars, from the BMW... EXT. DOCKSIDE AREA, EDGE OF TALLINN – MOMENTS LATER The TRUNK OPENS – the Protagonist is PULLED OUT. Marched towards an entrance, he sees, through a steel fence dividing the yard in two, SATOR, IN RESPIRATOR, WALKING BACKWARDS, PULLING KAT, FORWARDS, TOWARDS A DIFFERENT ENTRANCE... The Protagonist passes a stack of SHIPPING CONTAINERS, several of which are marked OSLO FREEPORT... INT. STORAGE FACILITY, TALLINN FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist is taken past the table of weapons, through a large door, and through RED DOORS with a PORTHOLE... INT. TURNSTILE, TALLINN FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS Into A LONG CHAMBER DIVIDED IN TWO BY A GLASS WINDOW – A MUCH BIGGER VERSION OF THE ROTAS VAULT. The Russians push the Protagonist into a chair. This side is lit by RED LIGHT.>>完整场景
(over radio) Watch everything, give me all the details... INT. STORAGE FACILITY, TALLINN FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS Sator sits in the shadows, listening intently... EXT. TALLINN STREETS – CONTINUOUS The BMW ZIPS ahead, weaving through traffic, pulls alongside the fire truck.>>完整场景
INT. STORAGE FACILITY – DAY Sator steps towards Kat –>>完整场景
EXT. FREEPORT, DOCKSIDE AREA, EDGE OF TALLINN – DAY The MERCEDES pulls into the Tallinn Freeport. Several BODYGUARDS emerge, Sator heads inside. Kat follows, looking through a metal fence – an AUDI sits there, idling. Its driver is wearing an OXYGEN MASK... INT. STORAGE FACILITY, TALLINN FREEPORT – MOMENTS LATER Kat enters. Sator is at a table covered in WEAPONS.>>完整场景
EXT. STORAGE AREA, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist SENSES, TURNS – CRACK! Volkov smashes his jaw – KICKS him in the ribs – pistol-whips him... INT. ENGINE ROOM, SATOR’S YACHT – MOMENTS LATER The Protagonist, bleeding, is SHOVED into the room –>>完整场景
Sator takes it, eyes never leaving the Crew Member... who finally, tentatively looks up – BAM! Sator JABS him in the mouth with the gold bar, then SMASHES him over the head – INT. STORAGE AREA, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist is REPULSED by what he sees... INT. ENGINE ROOM, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS Sator steps back, breathless, from the Small Crew Member, who lies motionless on the ground.>>完整场景