
n. 部落;宗族;一伙;[生]族,,最早构成罗马的族群一共有三个:拉丁人、萨宾人和伊特鲁里亚人。所以古代罗马人用“是三个”来表示“族群”的意思


拉丁文 tres,表三,三次

triangle三角形;tri-be(拉丁文bus-family);tricar; tribe=古罗马三个种族the Ramnes, Tities,Luceres均称为tribe 部落,种族,一群人


He told them all, one tribe was like a single arrow, easily broken.
>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
You didn't name your tribe.
>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
l picked only the best, each from a different tribe.
>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
I'm good, I'm good... I really envy you guys At least you know where is your root I don't even know where I come from The sunshine's beautiful on this land but the sunshine is more beautiful on our land But, we were forced to leave our home You don't understand a bit of what I'm saying That's fine, at least you are lucky Unlike me, I keep thinking where I should be heading I know, someday I shall return to my land, to my home For bleeding for our tribe Thank you From now on, verbal communication is not necessary Body language is much better, right?
>> 西域雄狮 Once Upon a Time in China and America Movie Script
Deets kept holding the baby out toward the tribe and smiling, trusting that the young brave would realize he was friendly.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“They were just having a picnic,” Augustus said. “We had a picnic the other day without nobody shooting at us.” “We can leave them two or three horses,” Call said. “I just don’t want to lose that sorrel they were about to kill.” In the tribe’s flight a child had been forgotten—a little boy barely old enough to walk. He stood near the neck of the dead horse, crying, trying to find his mother. The tribe huddled in front of the tepees, silent. The only sound, for a moment, was the sound of the child’s crying.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Oh, let’s go,” Augustus said. “We don’t want to be shooting these people, although it would probably be a mercy. I don’t think they even have guns.” “I didn’t shoot nobody,” Call said. “But they’re our horses.” At the shot the whole tribe looked up, stunned. One of the young men grabbed an old single-shot rifle but didn’t fire. It seemed to be the only firearm the tribe possessed. Call fired in the air again, to scare them away from the horse, and succeeded better than he had expected to. Those who had been eating got to their feet, some with sections of gut still in their hands, and fled toward the four small ragged tepees that stood up the draw. The young man with the gun retreated too, helping one of the older women. She was bloody from the feast.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I guess these ain’t the mighty plains Indians we’ve been hearing about,” Augustus said. The whole little tribe was almost silent, each person concentrating on eating. They were all thin. Two old women were cutting meat off the haunch, meaning to dry it, and two young men, probably the ones who had stolen the horses, had caught another and were preparing to cut its throat. To prevent this, Call drew his pistol and fired into the air.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Didn’t get no count,” Deets said. “Not many. Couldn’t be many and live out here.” “I say we wait for night and steal the nags back,” Augustus said. “It’s too hot to fight. Steal ’em back and let the red man chase the white for a while.” “If we wait for night we might lose half the horses,” Call said. “They’ll probably post a better guard than we had.” “I don’t want to argue with you in this heat,” Augustus said. “If you want to go now, okay. We’ll just ride in and massacre them.” “Didn’t see many men,” Deets said. “Mostly women and children. They’re real poor, Captain.” “What do you mean, real poor?” “Means they’re starving,” Deets said. “They done cut up one horse.” “My God,” Augustus said. “You mean they stole them horses for meat?” That proved to be the case. They carefully approached the draw where the camp was and saw the whole little tribe gathered around the dead horse. There were only some twenty Indians, mostly women, children and old men. Call saw only two braves who looked to be of fighting age, and they were no more than boys. The Indians had pulled the dead horse’s guts out and were hacking them into slices and eating them. Usually there were dogs around an Indian camp, but there were no dogs around this time.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Cholo was not much like an English gentleman, but it was his gentleness and skill with horses, in contrast to Bob’s incompetence, that made her want badly to encourage him to stay with them. He talked little, which would be a problem if she put him in a story—the people in the stories she read seemed to talk a great deal. He had been stolen as a child by Comanches and had gradually worked his way north, traded from one tribe to another, until he had escaped one day during a battle. Though he was an old man and had lived among Indians and whites his whole life, he still preferred to speak Spanish. Clara knew a little from her girlhood in Texas, and tried to speak it with him. At the sound of the Spanish words his wrinkled face would light up with happiness. Clara persuaded him to teach her girls. Cholo couldn’t read, but he was a good teacher anyway—he loved the girls and would take them on rides, pointing at things and giving them their Spanish names.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Yep, that’s a big tribe of sage bushes,” he would say.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Hey... Now, along with Carson, Matt, and Soren, they're part of a loose-knit tribe.
>> The China Hustle Movie Script
EXT. CAMPFIRE - NIGHT (1977) A few years later, and Will sits with the other INDIAN GUIDESas Edward continues telling the story to the tribe.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
So farewell, TypeScript. May you bring much rigor and satisfaction to your tribe while letting the rest of us enjoy JavaScript in the glorious spirit it was originally designed: Free of strong typing.
>> 2309-World Rally Championship-WRC
The world has been rough with you, with your tribe.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
614. The briber described the tribe head's bribery.
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After the war, I just wanted to get as far away from things as possible. So Elaine and I joined the Peace Corps. We were assigned to an isolated tribe, the Molombos.
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Where's your tribe?
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57.During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became what is now Indiana and Ohio.
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Anyway, we're a pretty tight-knit tribe here, but there's always room for one more squaw.
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The tribe is full of warriors.
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