
n. 商业;生意;交易;事情


INT. OLIVE OIL WAREHOUSE - DAY They are led by one of Vito's associates through rows and rows of large vats of olive oil. Vito very proudly shows his associates in Italy the olive oil can that will be used in the United States. They all stand around at the link to their new importing business and share a toast of wine.>>完整场景
EXT. OLIVE OIL WAREHOUSE - FULL VIEW Vito has brought his wife and children to see the Olive Oil Depot which is the link to his New York importing business.>>完整场景
(enthusiastically) God bless America! We're in business!>>完整场景
INT. NEW GENCO WAREHOUSE - DAY A newly acquired warehouse, stocked with cases of the new product "GENCO PURA" olive oil. It is the beginning of a new business, in the American tradition. Now they have one rattling old truck, and a few stock boys.>>完整场景
INT. THE PLANE - MOVING VIEW - MICHAEL - NIGHT Closer to him, his personal and business life caught in the middle of history.>>完整场景
There are a hundred or so people, practically all men, tourists and business men, standing on the different levels, forming the audience.>>完整场景
I never asked, who gave the go ahead because it had nothing to do with business.>>完整场景
This was a great man; a man with vision and guts; and there isn't even a plaque or a signpost or a statue of him in that town. Someone put a bullet through his eye; no one knows who gave the order. When I heard about it I wasn't angry. I knew Moe; I knew he was headstrong, and talking loud, and saying stupid things. So when he turned up dead, I let it go, and said to myself: this is the business we've chosen.>>完整场景
The bigger, the swankier, the plusher the store, the more a sense of legitimacy, and the bigger business we do.>>完整场景
How do I know you haven't gone into business for yourself?>>完整场景
When I was older, I learned many things from him here. I was happy that this house never went to strangers; first Clemenza took it over, and then you. My father taught me, in this room, never to act until you know everything that's behind things. Never. If Hyman Roth sees that I interceded with you in the Rosato Brothers' favor, he'll think his relationship with me is still sound. I'm going somewhere to meet him tomorrow. We have friends in some very important business that we're making. Do this for me; you make the peace with the Rosato Brothers on their terms. Let the word out that I forced you; you're not happy wit hit, but acquiesced, just because of me. It will get back to Hyman Roth. Do this, Frankie. You can trust me.>>完整场景
I wanted to explain this myself... I had business in Carson City.>>完整场景
EXT. TAHOE ESTATE - HIGH ANGLE - NIGHT Michael walks the short distance from his house, to the boathouse where he conducts his business away from his family.>>完整场景
To do business.>>完整场景
GENCO'S VIEW A heavy-set, fierce looking Italian wearing an expensive light-colored suit and a cream colored fedora. This is FANUCCI. He is discussing a business matter with the theatre IMPRESARIO; a large, strong looking man, who is sweating nonetheless. He doesn't seem to be giving in to Fanucci. He holds a locked strongbox.>>完整场景
He did business...but he never trusted him.>>完整场景
Frankie, you know my father respected Roth, did business with him.>>完整场景
It's all right, Tom, we'll talk later. Tell Frankie Pentangeli I'd like him to have dinner at my family table before we do business.>>完整场景
Tom isn't going to sit in with us, Johnny. He only handles specific areas of the family business. Tom?>>完整场景
VIEW ON THE HARBOR AREA Francesca and her twin, Gardner and their elite young friends roar out of the private harbor, to get up on the water skis. We notice ROCCO LAMPONE, move along a path leading to a separate and more private boathouse. A small covered craft approaches, ties off, and a group of three men step on to the pathway, shake hands with Lampone - and follow him to the large boathouse where Michael conducts his business.>>完整场景
A business meeting ran late...but he promised he wouldn't be long.>>完整场景
(almost kindly) Don't be frightened. Do you think I'd make my sister a widow? Do you think I'd make your children fatherless? After all, I'm Godfather to your son. No, your punishment is that you're out of the family business. I'm putting you on a plane to Vegas--and I want you to stay there. I'll send Connie an allowance, that's all.>>完整场景
(after the pause) Tell Mike it was business...I always liked him.>>完整场景
He's going to be our lawyer in Vegas. Nobody goes to him with any other business as of now, this minute. No reflection on Tom; that's the way I want it. Besides, if I ever need any advice, who's a better Consigliere than my father.>>完整场景
The Don has semi-retired. I'm running the Family business now.>>完整场景