
adj. 运动的,运动员的;体格健壮的


Drew's group is working on several very athletic maneuvers, none of which Drew is especially good at. Gao, of course, is having no trouble.>>完整场景
VARIOUS H.S. ATHLETIC COMPETITIONS Recapping earlier football, baseball and basketballhighlights, we find Edward beats Don every time.>>完整场景
Jim, there are now a great many... maybe a dozen already, of those security men... in athletic uniforms.>>完整场景
697. In the Catholic cathedral the athlete shouted out his wrath in the athletic oath.>>完整场景
STRIKER (v.o.) No one had ever outlined a physical fitness program for them and they had no athletic equipment.>>完整场景
She leads Matt out. Closes the shower door. Gordysticks his face into the water. Looks back, finds... Two bare butts, Anne's and Matt's, are pressed againstthe shower door's foggy glass. OFF Gordy, laughing -20 EXT. SPANISH HARLEM - BASKETBALL COURT - DAY 20 It appears the entire neighborhood's crammed against thechain-link fence around the court, yelling and cheeringas a team of local kids from the NYFD Athletic Leagueplays a team of local kids from the NYPD Athletic League.>>完整场景
A REVERSE ANGLE reveals an athletic looking Kenyan man, AGENT ATIENO, 35, casually shooting a long lens, covert surveillance image of Muhammad from across the airport lobby.>>完整场景
39 INT. HEALTH CLUB/AEROBICS STUDIO 39 MUSIC BOOMS and masses of leotarded cellulite sway in close F.G. as CAMERA DOLLIES along a row of panting, stretching women. In deep B.G. Sarah slips in through the door and waits against the wall while the human dynamo, GINGER VENTURA, leads the class energetically. Ginger, Sarah's roommate, is a party-stopper. Red-haired, athletic, sensuous. She's pretty enough when still, but stunning in motion. And she's in motion.>>完整场景
INT. SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULT - DAY The Bride, with a big athletic bag slung over her shoulder, watches a TELLER remove four safety deposit boxes.>>完整场景