
adj. 有效率的;生效的;有能力的


'Cause we didn't have money for the efficient ones.>>完整场景
To Augustus’s surprise, Wilbarger raised his head. He had heard the digging. “Your friend’s efficient, ain’t he?” he said.>>完整场景
The minute Grant's inside, Eric goes back to work re-sealing the door. This 13-year old boy has become astonishingly efficient at staying alive.>>完整场景
474. The efficient ancient scientist had conscience in science.>>完整场景
We'll construct our physical plant... we'll set up an efficient administrative... and executive structure... then we'll manufacture our product and market it.>>完整场景
How efficient of you.>>完整场景
I mean, can you really feed the world?" That whole thing is such a specious argument because, yes, we're every bit as efficient, especially if you plug in all of the inefficiencies of the industrial system.>>完整场景
Hit the deck! Mines! As Blue team goes to the ground, Neil sees mines start to EXPLODE/IMPLODE in a wave towards him as the GREY TRUCK RACES BACKWARDS down the hill through the minefield, REVERSE- TRIGGERING THE MINES – Neil DIVES out of the way, almost run over... Then gets up to follow the ‘path’ of the grey truck... EXT. PRIVATE DECK, SATOR’S YACHT – LATE AFTERNOON Kat unzips the diver’s bag, feels the handle of the gun, then slides the bag under the daybed, checking she can reach. She moves to the rail, crouches to UNCLIP the bottom safety cable. She looks at Mahir’s boat across the water... EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY Ives leads Red team into the deserted concrete structures via an efficient cover-and-move formation... the Protagonist shelters behind LARGE CONCRETE CHUNKS. Which VIBRATE... GATHERING ENERGY... The Protagonist JUMPS AWAY as the chunks RIP FROM THE GROUND, BOUNCING VIOLENTLY, DUSTILY OFF EACH OTHER AND FLYING UP INTO A GAP IN THE SIDE OF A BUILDING as an INVERSE RPG ZIPS back up into a WINDOW – Ives has spotted the window and calls for an RPG to ‘follow’ the inverse one, BLASTING the building... the Protagonist checks his watch – ‘8:10’, ‘8:09’... EXT. HYPOCENTRE RIDGE, STALSK-12 – DAY Neil checks his watch – ‘8:08’, ‘8:07’... he heads downhill, towards the city, where the rest of Blue team BEAT BACK the enemy... EXT. PRIVATE DECK, SATOR’S YACHT – LATE AFTERNOON Kat hoses the raspberries and glass from the deck... Sator appears, watching as she turns the water on herself.>>完整场景