
n. 心理学家,心理学者


ANGLE ON TREVOR'S CORNER The psychologist is exhorting him to destroy Drew. Trevor leans back on his padded stool, smiling.>>完整场景
Trevor looks at him for a moment, not really understanding, then sees what the psychologist is saying. He lunges immediately forward and (in SLOW MOTION) knocks the guy out while he is still trying to pull his pants up.>>完整场景
The next guy comes up, but before they can start, the psychologist, DR. PFEELGUT, calls for "Time" and motions Trevor over.>>完整场景
this would be a psychiatrist - a substance abuse professional or a psychologist.>>完整场景
Kun keeps going to the psychologist once a week.>>完整场景
SILBERMAN: A criminal psychologist.>>完整场景
At the sound of the latch Sarah jerks as if struck, and cringes involuntarily. Vukovich enters with Traxler and DR. PETER SILBERMAN, a criminal psychologist. Silberman is smooth of skin and manner, young, ambitious and...fat. He is enthusiastic about the workings of the human psyche, as emotionally involved as someone pulling the wings off a fly.>>完整场景