
adj. 富有的;充分的;丰裕的


A wealthy family is arguing with the pilot of a fast airplane; trying to force cash on him, and his family into the plane. The PILOT steadfastly refuses, although checking his watch, as though his passengers are late. He speaks only English.>>完整场景
They harass a wealthy family who are trying to get away in their car.>>完整场景
Cachet, whose stock has been steadily climbing after that terrible debut earlier this year has by now made a lot of its investors very wealthy if they were able to hold on tight during that steep drop.>>完整场景
The students are doing their own thing, and they are a mixture of old and young, men and women. They are not dressed alike, as they would be in a Karate school: they are dressed in old T-shirts and tattered sweat pants. This is not a wealthy school, by any means, and that is typified by the appearance of SIFU KWAN, who is walking through the students as they train. He is wizened old man, 70 years old if he is a day, and he is dressed in a fraying Chinese jacket, scruffy cloth shoes and a discolored Chinese T-shirt.>>完整场景
He married a very wealthy woman.>>完整场景
JORDAN (CONT’D) JORDAN (CONT’D) The first action you have to takeis to DECIDE to be wealthy. When I was 24 years old, I made aDECISION not to just survive butto THRIVE. I started my own stockbrokerage firm, developing aSYSTEM OF SELLING that within a year made me a multi-millionaire.>>完整场景
Over the following, WE SEE a quick 6 7-7C SERIES OF SHOTS 7-7C All taken from TV; a mansion from Lifestyles of the Richand Famous; wealthy PEOPLE applauding at a polo match; a yacht sailing crystal blue seas; Robert Wagner andStephanie Powers toasting with champagne on Hart to Hart.>>完整场景
VARIOUS SHOTS -- a conservative young MAN reviews a stockportfolio with a wealthy older COUPLE; a smiling youngWOMAN sits before a computer talking into a headset.>>完整场景
CARMINE POLITO: You wanna talk jobs, investment, construction, if we can expedite a very wealthy man’s citizenship -- 149 INT. SHERMAN SUITE, PLAZA HOTEL - NIGHT 149 150 CAMERA PANS TO HOLE IN CORNER and CAMERA LENS --150 152 152 RICHIE DIMASO: How you doing congressmen?>>完整场景
IRVING ROSENFELD (stares at her, upset) OK, to set this up and bust a conartist we have to make the honeypot to attract the bees. In orderto attract the bees, we need to offer them a wealthy individual whocan be taken advantage of, someonespecial, someone new, someoneamazing. Then those guys will wantto sell fake bank CDS to THAT guy, take the sheik’s money, see?>>完整场景
49 THE PIERRE HOTEL CAFE 49 As they dance among mostly older wealthy couples on the smalldance floor of the elegant restaurant as a live jazz quartetplays “I’ve Got Your Number”. Camera circles them, putting their foreheads together, very happy. THEY SING TO EACH OTHER quietly as they dance close.>>完整场景
There was a statement from five Beijing finance professors who alleged wealthy and sophisticated short sellers from overseas were robbing small Chinese investors and ignoring risks of market instability.>>完整场景
JENNY (V.O.) He was never a wealthy man, but he hadmade other men rich, and now he askedfor their favors.>>完整场景
Did you know that his father was wealthy.>>完整场景
- Congratulations to the wealthy pair.>>完整场景
Ooh ooh ooh oh, yeah ooh ooh ooh poverty is what, what it takes it makes such dangerous mistakes about who who is somebody when a woman has a child before that child is born she, she is somebody everybody is somebody nobody is nobody i mean, apart from all the wealthy doo doo doo doo doo everybody is somebody yeah, oh, yeah everybody is somebody all right, you guys, forget it.>>完整场景
Ooh, yeah, yeah ahh ha ha if a man is born in luxury it proves to me through history he is somebody if a man is born in poverty privation and misery he is nobody everybody is somebody nobody is nobody i mean, apart from all the wealthy ooh everybody is somebody oh, yeah so look at me here, man?>>完整场景
Like a lot of wealthy criminals, he thinks if he covers his walls with tasteful, expensive things it’ll distract from the bloodshed.>>完整场景
Oh, you know my life, Bill, just a mad rush of wild parties and wealthy women.>>完整场景
INT. SOMEWHERE IN THE SOUTH/KITCHEN - DAY (EARLY DAYS OF SLAVERY) Bubba's grandmother carries a bowl of shrimp into a dining room. She sets it down on a table in front of a wealthy white man.>>完整场景
INT. LOUISIANA/KITCHEN - DAY (1966) Bubba's mother, a robust woman in a cook's uniform, carries a bowl of shrimp into a dining room. She sets it down on a table in front of a wealthy white man.>>完整场景