- I don't think it was an explosion. What are you getting at?>> 巨石怪 The Monolith Monsters Movie Script
- An explosion, wasn't it?>> 巨石怪 The Monolith Monsters Movie Script
- Wade tosses a SATCHEL CHARGE into a gun port. A HUGE, MUFFLED EXPLOSION, rocks the bunker.>> 拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan Movie Script
- A DIRECT HIT ON A NEARBY LANDING CRAFT A huge EXPLOSION of fuel, fire, metal and flesh.>> 拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan Movie Script
- TEN LANDING CRAFT Make their way toward the base of the cliffs. Running a gauntlet of explosions.>> 拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan Movie Script
- ‘9:
- 58’... EXT. HYPOCENTRE RIDGE, STALSK-12 – DAY The reverse explosion PEAKS. SUDDEN CALM as the Chinooks place the containers down – they open and Blue team runs out, ‘FORWARDS’, Neil at the head, guns raised, BLASTING at the ENEMY SOLDIERS on the ridge... Neil checks his watch – a BRIGHT-BLUE ‘9:57’,>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- Ten at the explosion, to zero at our extraction. If you are not at the LZ by zero, you are not leaving.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- Both teams have countdown watches – ours counts down from ten at landing, to zero at the explosion.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- We don’t. The explosion takes place as planned, exactly ten minutes after our landing. Everything is synchronized to that explosion.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- PROTAGONIST (CONT'D) Ground zero for an underground nuclear test. Sir Michael Crosby told me about a detonation at Stalsk-12 on the 14th – the dead drop is at the bottom of the hypocentre. That explosion seals up the algorithm.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- Neil looks up as BLACK SMOKE GATHERS, FORMING A MASSIVE CLOUD OVER THE PLANE... a SHOCK WAVE starts to BUILD in the air around them – the Protagonist PULLS Kat and Neil under the fuselage as CURTAINS of FIRE start GATHERING around the wings, CENTRED on a HALF-DESTROYED JET ENGINE – They pass through the hole in the wall LICKED AT BY FLAMES WHICH LEAVE FROST ON THEIR CLOTHES – As they clear start SHAKING CLIMAXES in a REASSEMBLES – into the building, DEBRIS in front of them – they DUCK as the MASSIVE BUILD OF ENERGY CACOPHONOUS REVERSE EXPLOSION as THE JET ENGINE LOOSELY ATTACHED TO THE WING, THRUSTING – INT./EXT. FREEPORT SHIPPING AREA – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist draws his gun – turns to Neil –>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- As they invert the entropy of more and more objects... Neil holds his hands, fingers spread, pointing at each other – NEIL (CONT'D) The two directions of time are becoming more intertwined... He slowly brings his fingers together, into the ‘Tenet’ gesture – NEIL (CONT'D) But because the environment’s entropy flows in our direction... He pushes one hand back with the other – NEIL (CONT'D) ...we dominate. They’re always swimming upstream. It’s what saved your life – the inverted explosion was pushing against the environment.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- The heat transfer was reversed – you may be the first case of hypothermia from a gasoline explosion in history.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- (between breaths) INT. COCKPIT, TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Mahir forces the Pilots from their seats – EXT. TAXIWAY, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS The INFLATABLE SLIDE BURSTS OPEN, DRAGGING on the asphalt, as the Pilots roll onto it, SCRAMBLING DOWN to the ground, ROLLING AWAY from the giant plane... INT. COCKPIT, TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Mahir TURNS the stick HARD LEFT, AIMING AT THE REAR WALL OF THE FREEPORT – INT. TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Rohan lowers a ladder behind the forward landing gear – he and Mahir climb down – EXT. TAXIWAY, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS Mahir and Rohan jump down onto the asphalt, racing back between the wheels as the giant plane SMASHES INTO THE BRICK WALL OF THE FREEPORT, ERUPTING IN A MASSIVE EXPLOSION... INT. VAULTS, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The vault is ROCKED by the explosion – ALARMS SCREAM – DOORS START CLOSING – Neil looks, panicked, at the Staff Member –>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- EXT. TAXIWAY, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS The transport plane BARRELS down the taxiway... INT. TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Rohan TOSSES the grenade behind the gold at the tail of the plane and DUCKS as it BLOWS – EXT. TAXIWAY, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS BLASTING a hole in the rear of the plane... GOLD BARS POUR OUT, CLATTERING ACROSS THE TARMAC... INT. VAULTS, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS Hearing the distant explosion, the Protagonist and Neil start PACKING AIR... the Staff Member stares at them, quizzical – Yoga.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- That may depend on the size of your explosion.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- The Protagonist GRABS the last bomb:
- ‘0:03’... he looks up to the boxes, where REAL SWATS EVACUATE THE HIGH OFFICIALS... THE PROTAGONIST LOBS THE BOMBS UP INTO THE BOXES... EXT. PLAZA, DOWNTOWN KIEV – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist and ‘Target’ emerge – an EXPLOSION above them - INT. THEATRE, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS INNOCENT CIVILIANS STIR under the EXPLOSION IN THE BOXES – EXT. PLAZA, DOWNTOWN KIEV – CONTINUOUS The van PULLS UP – rear door open – they JUMP INSIDE – INT. VAN – MOMENTS LATER The Protagonist pulls off his mask. BREATHING. The Passenger turns – grabs the ‘Target’s face, SOMETHING WRONG... the Protagonist turns to the Driver – WHO HAS A GUN POINTED AT HIM ...>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- A half second later SWAT COMMANDER and three SWAT GUYS show up to investigate the explosion.>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
- The SWAT TEAM finds the STEEL DOOR. They toss in CONCUSSION GRENADES — BOOM! BOOM! Sections of the LOBBY floor jump, then sag and splinter from the explosions. Creaking sounds fill the LOBBY.>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
- THE BAT-MAN falls just ahead of debris from the explosion. He hits the floor, HARD, and rolls under the staircase as half the building collapses around him.>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
- Inserts a fuse, LIGHTS IT, and gets away fast — BOOM! — a huge EXPLOSION lights the night sky and sends debris flying in all directions.>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
- That fueled a worldwide explosion of wealth unlike anything in the history of man.>> 硅谷传奇Pirates of Silicon Valley Movie Script
- The explosion of ammo creates the hysteria of warfare combat.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- This explosion of furious violence is punctuated CINEMATICALLY BY THE COLOR IN THE FILM POPPING OFF, and the fight being filmed in HIGH CONTRAST BLACK AND WHITE, turning the squirting, spewing geysers of BLOOD FROM CRIMSON RED TO OIL BLACK.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- Male Newscaster:
Damage appears to be total... to set off what appears to have been a nuclear explosion in his own country... British Newscaster:Maybe the start of something larger that on whether Al-Asad was among the victims in what may have been a suicidal...Female Newscaster 2:What I can see from the hotel here is a mushroom cloud, about 45 by... Female Newscaster 3:...Continue to burn across a massive wasteland, that was once a capital for this thriving nation... The satellite uploads a list of 30,000 Marines that are MIA or KIA in the explosion, including Sgt. Paul Jackson, whose name is highlighted. The satellite then tracks Jackson somewhere in the blast radius. Sgt. Paul Jackson wakes up in the crashed Sea Knight. Severely injured from the crash, he slowly crawls out of the wreck. A radio can be heard, faintly transmitting chatter.>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script