
vt. 使具有资格;证明…合格;限制


“Help Newt,” Call said. “He’ll need a steady man, and you qualify if anybody ever did.” He raised his hand to Needle Nelson and turned his horse.>>完整场景
“Call ain’t never been my boss,” Augustus said. “It’s no say-so of his when I drink.” Jake looked off across the scrubby pastures. There were tufts of grass here and there, but mostly the ground looked hard as flint. Heat waves were rising off it like fumes off kerosene. Something moved in his line of vision, and for a moment he thought he saw some strange brown animal under a chaparral bush. Looking more closely he saw that it was the old Mexican’s bare backside.“Hell, why’d he take a rope if all he meant to do was shit?” he asked. “Where’d you get the greasy old bastard?” “We’re running a charitable home for retired criminals,” Augustus said. “If you’d just retire you’d qualify.” “Dern, I forgot how ugly this country is,” Jake said. “I guess if there was a market for snake meat, this would be the place to get rich.” With that he put his hat over his face, and within no more than two minutes began a gentle snoring. Augustus returned the jug to the springhouse. It occurred to him that while Jake was napping he might pay a visit to Lorie; once she fell under Jake’s spell he would probably require her to suspend professional activities for a while.>>完整场景
We have to qualify for the Vegas Open.>>完整场景
Neither are they. You have to be human first. They don't qualify.>>完整场景
F*** you, b*tch, I know he didn't qualify it, so you can just kiss my motherfuckin ass, Black Mamba.>>完整场景