
vt. 把……装入桶内


The man with a sword steps forward to hack Porthos down, but Porthos spins, slapping the pistol, making it BOOM but miss; he kicks the swordsman in the groin, then smashes his head against the alley wall; he backhands the gunman. The robber with the knife tries to run; Porthos snatches a barrel from the street and hurls it into the fleeing robber's back; he falls in a heap.>>完整场景
On the way home I felt giddy and confident that I could approach anyone at all and say, "I'll give you one hundred-- no, $500,000 if you can guess what I've got in this paper sack." And I swear that not one of them could have come up with the right answer. I walked home 30 blocks, looking everyone square in the eye and thinking, "Sucker." Ira Glass Well, David Sedaris is the author of Barrel Fever, often heard on NPR's Morning Edition.>>完整场景
Kat nods. The chopper lifts off and ZOOMS overhead. Mahir guns the powerboat, STREAKING towards the yacht... EXT. TENET CAMP – DAY The Soldiers head for the Chinooks. As they pass the containers, some stare at them... the Chinooks lift off, some Chinooks rise, LIFTING the containers... EXT. COAST OF VIET NAM – DAY Mahir pulls up fifty yards from the stern of Sator’s yacht... Kat grabs the pistol bag and slips into the water... INT./EXT. NORTHERN PLAIN – DAY The Chinooks BEAT LOW over the windswept plain. Stalsk-12 appears on the horizon – terraced strip-mined land leading to a set of CONCRETESTRUCTURES FUSED TO THE EARTH... EXT. SATOR’S YACHT, COAST OF VIET NAM – DAY Kat quietly pulls herself out of the water and onto a rear platform. She STEALTHILY makes her way up through the boat... EXT. LZ, STALSK-12 – CONTINUOUS The Chinooks long-lining containers RISE, slowing, as the other Chinooks BARREL in towards a large flat area – ANTI- AIRCRAFT GUNS start FIRING... The Protagonist grabs his gun and LEAPS from the Chinook as it hovers close to the ground... EXT. HYPOCENTRE RIDGE, STALSK-12 – DAY The Chinooks long-lining containers fly BACKWARDS towards a giant DEPRESSION... INT. CONTAINER – CONTINUOUS Neil looks out a peephole –>>完整场景
Come on, come on... The Protagonist FIRES AGAIN AND AGAIN, forcing the Earlier Protagonist closer and closer to the open turnstile... The Earlier Protagonist takes hold of the gun – the barrel coming around onto the Protagonist who instinctively EJECTS the magazine, REMOVES the SLIDE, tossing it aside, leaving the Earlier Protagonist with a useless STRIPPED AUTOMATIC – Earlier Neil RACES backwards into the other half of the room – Through the bullet-riddled glass the Protagonist sees HIMSELF (GAS MASK, BLACK CLOTHES) RUN BACKWARDS into the room – The Protagonist LEAPS INTO THE TURNSTILE – we FOLLOW the Protagonist through the machine – BURSTING OUT on the other side – straight into Earlier Neil, who now MOVES FORWARDS as the Protagonist PUSHES past – As the confrontation on the other side of the glass plays out again, FORWARDS... the Protagonist RACES for the RED DOOR, Neil in PURSUIT – INT. VAULT CORRIDOR – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist runs, pursued by Earlier Neil, skidding around the corners of the vault corridor – Earlier Neil gets a hand on the Protagonist’s GAS MASK and YANKS – it comes off in his hands... this time we see that Neil is looking at the UNMASKED PROTAGONIST. Neil, surprised, turns and BOLTS back the way he came – the Protagonist watches him go, then TURNS – INT. VAULT CORRIDOR – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist races down the angled corridor – The Protagonist SKIDS through the doorway leading out of the corridor and into the SMOKE-FILLED cargo area where he left... INT. VAULT 2, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS Neil races up to the Earlier Protagonist, grab his arm –>>完整场景
PATROLMAN (CONT'D) Looks like the finish has worn off the barrel.>>完整场景
Gordon! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE, NOW! GORDON ignores him and holds up his REVOLVER with two fingers on its barrel.>>完整场景
GORDON looks up at the door. He puts the gun, with its wet barrel, into a holster with a badge clipped to the side and leaves the bathroom.>>完整场景
What's your malfunction you fat f***in' barrel of monkey-spunk?>>完整场景
Josephina stares at the shotgun barrel pointed at her.>>完整场景
SNAPPING the barrel closed, he takes aim and FIRES both barrels -- EXECUTION STYLE -- right into her keister.>>完整场景
I wanna burn you down. When I'm through with you, you won't have a pot to piss, or a window to throw it out of. You'll thumb a ride out of L.A. wearing a barrel.>>完整场景
He continues walking without a look back. Before he Exits the restaurant, he throws a look in Sofie's direction, Who's lying minus her arm in a pool of her own blood, and says; MR. BARREL Tough luck bout that arm Sofe.>>完整场景
MR. BARREL I'm gonna collect someday, you know?>>完整场景
Then with his sheathed Sword in his right hand, and his left hand in his pants pocket, he walks across the carnage-strewn room and out the front door. As he walks, when he's parallel with the Bride, He stops and says; MR. BARREL About that one you owe me.>>完整场景
He looks at her a BEAT longer...then says as he resheaths his sword; MR. BARREL The things I do for a pretty face.>>完整场景
Mr. Barrel spins in O-Ren's direction shooting her a look she's never seen from him before.>>完整场景
O-REN is furious, and slaps Mr. Barrel on the shoulder.>>完整场景
MR. BARREL No I can't.>>完整场景
MR. BARREL I can't.>>完整场景
This has nothing to do with You and I, and everything to do with me taking satisfaction from that b*tch behind you. And there's absolutely positively no way I'M going to leave here without taking that satisfaction. So Mr. Barrel, you have to stand aside. And that means you must quit, right now.>>完整场景
MR. BARREL I know exactly how you feel.>>完整场景
MR. BARREL Do you have choices?>>完整场景
MR. BARREL Too late.>>完整场景
MR. BARREL I don't like that rubber band. It fucks up my hair.>>完整场景
Mr. Barrel takes out a kato mask on a stick, like from a 17th Century costume ball, and holds it over his eyes.>>完整场景